28 March 2021

Does GOD Exist?

Freedom to believe...

I have never seen GOD nor JESUS, but it would be absolute Foolishness for me to doubt the Former after seeing the barefoot, red-skinned Devil physically one sunrise on Buganda Road (in Kampala, Uganda) before 2007. The Morning Star is the Angel who thought he could overthrow his Maker but instead became the main reason why we all have problems. We walk by faith like the truthful Disciple Nathaniel, not by sight like the doubting Thomas and non-believers; JESUS is recorded in Holy Scriptures and History Books, so he must be real, not fictitious. I do not want to depart from this Earth and get shocked. Did the entire universe create itself? I don't think so, there had to be a super-intelligent Designer who made it. Why do bad things happen to good people? Because of the stubborn Devil who always tempts and tests us without flinching, ask Job! Where is GOD during hard times? HE is perhaps quietly giving us peace & strength to go through our trials; HIS hands are not short. GOD is superrich! One of the Biggest Reasons I believe in GOD are my Dreamvisions, some so prophetic that I occasionally get very very very scared - from schoolmate Isaac Semakadde topping our S4 UCE Examinations in Y2K after registering 3rd place across Uganda during PLE to meeting General Moses Ali at LDC for my first time to Arsenal winning the 2015 FA Cup Final by 4-0 to seeing snakes before encountering them in reallife without fear to movies shown on Ugandan TV without prior announcement of the title to Kaweesi's assassination in 2017 as well as many other newstories. I even published a book entitled "Dreamsurfing" in 2020 to explore oneironautics, including anecdotes from as far back as 1999 when I started recording my dreamvisions: Dreams are like Source Code! We get delivered from Evil plus healed from diseases eg Malaria, Typhoid, Stomach Upsets and Flu instead of dying; that can only be GOD's mercy. JESUS healed 10 lepers while on Earth, I guess their body parts grew back like in the films Terminus (2015), Deadpool and Elysium, but only one returned to say Awa'difo. I thank GOD for saving me from diseases I did not even know including Dracunculiasis (Guineaworm), Hookworms, Heartpain, Boils, Shortsightedness, Jiggers, etc. My extended family is largely Anglican, but I've had Catholic influences through school and Muslim leanings through the communities I've lived in. Fourthly, I admire Judaism through literature and media. I've also prayed to Lucifer or the Devil at least thrice, but I ask GOD to forgive me and wash my heart, soul and mind with the blood of JESUS. Protect us from the Angel of Death! Who answers our prayers? I attribute my good academic performance in P7 to GOD, got 4 points out of the optimum 4. I never prayed to JESUS nor Mary nor saints; I just begged whoever was up there every night to make me the Best in my East Stream so that I jump the frighteningly regular academic canes which HE did. On top of that, HE also made me Headboy of the entire school, something I never prayed for; it was just handed to me through botched elections simply because my grades were astronomical but it made me think about King Solomon. What the teachers in my new school which I joined in the 2nd Term of P6 did not know was that I was very furious with their academic beatings; I had endured enough since P4, 5 & 6 in my previous school like Balaam's Donkey (Numbers 22:28): What have I done to you to make you beat me these three times? The only Bible book I read entirely in P7 was Proverbs. After that level, I ignorantly rebelled against GOD to satisfy my bodily lusts, then accepted JESUS in my Heart as Saviour on Tuesday 2nd December 1997 before embarking on a feverish quest to read the whole Bible which I finished in S3, though I finished New Testament first in S2 since it was shorter. Everytime I open GOD's book (The Greatest Book I have ever studied alongside the Holy Koran), I learn new things I thought I had seen before. There must be an entity high above everything worthy of worship, glory and praise! Holy, holy, holy are you, LORD GOD Almighty! You are the owner of majesty. LORD, forgive us for being sinners, cast out demons from our bodies and write our names in the Book of Life, through JESUS Christ our Lord...

Why Do People Commit Suicide?
Everyone has problems, from illness to brokeness. How we react to them is what matters. No matter how dark the night, the Sun eventually rises up again; it's a recurring cycle so #SufferPatiently! Killing yourself does not end pain, sidestepping trouble in your mind is one very potent alternative like Mental Escapism. This life makes us feel like we are trapped in a Jail or Prison and cannot break free, but Happiness is not a moving target, it's a state of mind; contentment. In the Y-Corner philosophy, either you go left or go right (and have no regrets)! Shockabsorbers or painabsorbing exits like prayer, sleep, music, food, exercise, family, charity, hobbies, art, work, friendship and travel are very valuable. Other people drink alcohol until hangover level but it isn't recommended - memories always return after some time, try water or juice instead! As a Suicidologist who reads Suicide Notes, I realised that many people commit suicide because of reasons that other humans might find simple and jumpable like Rejection (retrenchment, divorce or separation, no care, opposition, humiliation, approval anxiety), Poverty (eg unemployment, risky investment, theft, lack of money) or Defeat (especially in sports, pressure to succeed, worthlessness, low self-esteem, academic failure, traumatic stress from experience, helplessness, demon-possession); we all go through them. One man's heavy load is another's featherweight. We all need Strength, Hope and Love to go through this life. May GOD be with all of us, in the name of JESUS...

14 March 2021

Bha Da Sende Tawuni-a Tipasi

MUNGU ni ambo [GOD is great], first and foremost! 'Ba da sende tawuni-a tipasi [Translated from Lugbara: Money was poured (or dumped) in town using a tipper]. From grassthatched ghettos to ironsheet towns to claytile metros and so on, architecture never ends. On Tuesday 12th January 2010 while in Kyebando Kisalosalo (KLA City), I had a very unreal and heavy dreamvision about President Idi Amin's fantastic architectural plans. I even wrote it down immediately upon waking up and named it "1970s Arua", feeling like Simple Dee (musician) maybe. After drawing the images, I decided to research "Idi Amin" afresh on Google even though I had read literature plus seen real-life footage and movies about him before since the 80s; he was not only a wildman as sensationally portrayed most times but also developmental. Al Jazeera TV from Qatar actually has a documentary series where people who knew Idi Amin closely talk about his good side. Moses Ali ("The Cock of West Nile" from Adjumani who has admirably served in several Ugandan regimes) once remarked that he is not sure if Amin did everything he is accused of. The Last King of Scotland (2006 film) shows him discussing the design of the Nile International Conference Centre (now Serena Hotel) just behind Parliament, UBC and Crested Towers. I find it quite interesting that the Ateso translation for "love" is actually "amin" though pronounced "amina", plus "amin" is also Arabic vocabulary for "faithful or trustworthy". I do not know how I landed on the name Ssalongo Jaffar Amin (www.idiamindada.com) that incredible sunrise but it was like providence. Previous attempts had failed because I did not know he was a salongo [father of twins]; my Lugbara-Kakwa cousin Edwin (who believes Anyafio Village in Arua is as quiet as Kololo Suburb in KLA City) used to tell me he would link me up to someone called "Jaffar" around Bukoto Suburb of Kampala and I wondered if he was the one. By 8:52 AM, I was completely amazed to see the photos Amin's son had added on Facebook earlier around the exact time I was dreaming; they were different faces of the previously unreleased sepia-tinted architectural renderings or concept art for the 3-storeyed KKT Plaza that was about to be constructed in Arua. You can say that this was coincidence, but as a record-keeping Dreamsurfer since 1999, I believe paranormal things must be explained with proper interpretation. I told Jaffar about my vision and he informed me that the original 1970s plan for that plot on Duka Road actually had six floors (It would definitely have been among Arua's Tallest Buildings). He added, "You have tapped into the universal heartbeat... There is actually no difference between Entebbe, Nakasero and Arua for they were cut from the same cloth..." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) once said, "Architecture is frozen music!" If that's true, then Architecture (a sibling to Agriculture & Art) is therapeutic too like sound frequencies: do re mi fa so la ti do! Na na na, na na, na na, na! Hallelujah! Why feel depressed yet we can marvel at the awesomeness of artistic man-made constructions, left to stand for ages by GOD - the Ultimate Engineer of the entire Universe? Forget your problems - everyone has them even those who appear happy and blessed; just enjoy Urban Tourism (brick melodies, clay symphonies, iron lyrics, cement songs and concrete beats)! You might discover that buildings can actually talk like the Altar in Revelation 16:7. If Balaam's donkey spoke (Numbers 22:28) plus stones can praise GOD loudly when we don't, then how about infrastructure? According to John 14, JESUS comforted his disciples by saying that HE would go to Heaven to prepare mansions for them (plus everyone else whose name is written in the Book of Life); maybe that's why HE is taking too long to return, GOD Engineering. JESUS is also the only Way to that Place that has buildings made from transparent gold; GOD is super-wealthy! It's really hilarious when the Devil and his worshippers (sorcerors and witchdoctors) plus non-believers make it seem like GOD has no money, hahaha; HE created everything in the entire universe for crying out loud, and can put money in the mouth of a fish; ask Simon Peter the Fisherman, Rebekah whom GOD chose as a wife for Isaac, Solomon who had unequalled kingly wealth from the LORD or the Church of Smyrna! Poverty is just an opinion; GOD provides mere things for HIS creation! In 1987, Korean Pastor Park Yong Gyu had a Near Death Experience (NDE) due to High Blood Pressure where an angel revealed to him the Tallest Homes in Heaven, better than MTV Cribs; they belonged to D. L. Moody (American evangelist); John Wesley (former Anglican in Britain who started the Methodist Church); an Italian evangelist plus Pastor Choi (Gun Nung) from South Korea. These four evangelised many people with the Gospel of Salvation. A great Brazilian missionary and Founder of "GOD Is Love Pentecostal Church" named David Martins (de) Miranda apparently has a 5-floor mansion in Heaven. There is no water in Hell, so we must be living in Heaven on Earth. A wise saying in Kampala teaches: A city is not just buildings, but people. Old dictionary definitions of a city actually say it is a settlement with enough water and a cathedral; you cannot fill a cathedral like Emmanuel in Mvara Suburb (East of Arua City) without people. Humans make a city. However, people come and go plus some may rob or con you - others do not like you however civil you are to them; thank GOD for those who are kind, charitable and respectful! Buildings meanwhile always remain in the same place as habitats and wonderful to look at plus photograph. Kampala Capital City alone has some eye-soothing marvels including Akon Tower [Proposed, 72 Floors]; Ministry of Tourism's Kampala Tower [Proposed, 60 Floors], Kingdom Hotel [On-hold, 34 Floors], Pension Towers [Under Construction, 32 Floors], Movement House [Proposed, 27 Floors], Pearl of Africa (Kampala Hilton) Hotel [24 Floors], URA Tower [22 Floors], (NSSF) Workers' House [20 Floors], Crested Towers North [20 Floors], Mapeera House [16 Floors], Uganda House [16 Floors], Cham Towers [16 Floors, built during Amin's regime as UCB House], Haruna (Sentongo) Towers [Proposed, 16 Floors], Church House [15 Floors], Imperial Royale Hotel [14 Floors], Kampala Sheraton Hotel [13 Floors], Diamond Trust Building [13 Floors], Communications House [10 Floors], DFCU House [10 Floors], etc. I must confess that what I saw in my 70s Arua Vision was glorious but unfortunately the Tanzanians came and destroyed some buildings; had actually planned to flatten Arua but someone told them not everyone in Arua supported Amin. Behind Office of the Prime Minister (Arua), I saw a very interesting construction like a shorter Burj Al Arab (or maybe Doha Tower in Qatar with a spire plus referred to as the Idi Amin Hotel); it was in the molten-metal frame state, no concrete added on it outside, "Whooo, this is amazing!" The Tallest Building on Earth (Burj Khalifa in United Arab Emirates) has 163 skyhigh floors [though might be overtaken by The Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (Under Construction, 252 Floors), etc] but I never saw anything in Arua at that level, no Tower of Babel heights unless GOD allows: I hope the Golf Course is not sold off for a copycat superstructure like the Empire State Building in NYC. The upper section of Wadriff Road has always created a city shadow for me; spent a night near there while preparing to leave for KLA City by Nile Coach back in the day when departures started at 5am (There was no daytime Gaagaa Revolution yet). The Tallest Building in Africa from the 70s until 2019 was Carlton Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa with 50 floors before the Leonardo in the same city surpassed it. A floor in Lugbarati is called "Jo ale" [Directly translated: House stomach (or House interior)]. During my surreal (Google Earth Flight-esque) camera-drone moment from a different realm, I did not regret being rejected from joining the Senior 5 Technical Drawing (TD) Class even though I had tears in my eyes nine years before that dreamvision. Spiritually, I saw several landmarks; the Tallest Building in my Dream Arua was east of Hospital Road but I did not count the floors properly, it was called "Secretary House" with a sculpture of an open book (probably a Koran) at the rooftop; when the petrol station opposite Grid started getting a makeover in 2020, my senses kept asking questions about which plot the Secretary House would have been on or even farther inwards. Maybe I love Arua too much and was just hallucinating. Which Kampala herb had I eaten for supper in 2010 [I did not have Ajira (Tara Subcounty, Maracha) marijuana by then - got it close to World Cup South Africa 2010 while working for Electoral Commission Uganda - nor devilish purple pellets] or was the vision really a prophetic riddle from Above? Sometimes, GOD speaks through dreams (like in Genesis 41:1-7; 1st Kings 3; Job 33; etc) even if we cannot fathom all HIS mysteries; that is why we need the interpretation acumen that Joseph, Samuel, Daniel (aka Belteshazzar in Babylon), Ezekiel, John at Patmos Island and others possessed. Creativity is spiritual. I'm not a certified architect, but GOD helped me train my visualisation perspective as a Cartoon Artist; I fancy being a Cartoongineer and actually paint walls plus metal fabrications when hired: In January 2023 after being recommended by an abusive engineer to paint some lady's guesthouse in Ombaci, I tried to figure out how the work might go by walking towards the site. On the way back home after cancelling the gig to finish a logo design instead, I met some ladies with tall grass in their hands wondering where people get money to construct houses very fast: That is the money poured in the town using tippers. Additionally in my dreamscapes, I saw two big lodges like the current KCB Building on Adumi Road before it was finished; one was deep-blue, the other had brown glass (each for separate genders). A 4-storeyed, but wide apartment building was in the Osu Area towards Weatherhead Park Lane's ring road stretched in a north to south alignment; it's represented by either the current Regional Referral Hospital or Desert Breeze Hotel. The Arua District Local Government (ADLG) headquarters was also 4-storeys high (similar to a small section of the 2019 artistic impression for the proposed Anglican Mvara Mission Diocesan Offices or a glass face of Muni University's Health Science Laboratory block built by Coil Ltd across the road from the Main Campus) with a football field next to it, probably the Police BOMA Grounds. There was also a place East of Arua Prisons for parking yellow Road Construction vehicles, occupied by Face Technologies (Driving Permit issuers) in the 2010s: GOD bless Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA)! Meanwhile, on Monday 4th October 2004 during my "oneway, Ch.39" vision in Bugujju, Mukono (If you have a problem, then just look up to Heaven), I spotted twin blocks almost like the ones between Transport Road and Hospital Road but all-green and used as agricultural stores. Arua seems to change every two months. Below is my own personal Giraffe List as a Witness of the technical reality on the ground which took me 11 years to finally write about ever since the Idi Amin vision concerning the Ancient Capital of Pan-Africanism established on 14th June 1914, that officially became a superfly, medium-size City (of Peace & Prudence) on 1st July 2020, at the Heart of West Nile Province - northwest of the Pearl of Africa (Maybe Arua will become a Megalopolis):

Arua Hill Telecom Masts (Cell Towers) [Built, X Joale = House-stomaches or Floors]
Everyone who visits Arua City from any compass direction cannot fail to see the iconic telecommunication pillars at the hilltop of the world famous rock with a 12-star, 360 degree view of the entire locality; the unmissable metal structures are directly south from Adumi Road-Arua Avenue and visible from Onduparaka: Voice Of Life Radio's mast is 60 meters tall and broadcasts signals as far as Hoima, Masindi, Lira, DRC and South Sudan. About 4 kilometers Northeast from Arua Hill is the Ombaci Earth Satellite Tower, the tallest in East Africa used by BBC World Service (99.4 FM) and UBC (98.0 FM). "Idi Amin should be remembered," said his son Ssalongo Jaffar Remo Amin, "for linking Uganda directly to the rest of the world by putting up earth satellite stations at Mpoma in Mukono District and Ombaci in Arua District." Even though UBC sold the ground satellite dishes to scrapdealers in 2016, the upright 150-meter high tower remained like a location beacon for travellers; skyscrapers are buildings at least 150 meters high. The entire station was constructed by Harris Company, a US firm in 1976 on 12 acres alongside Giligili (westwards from Arua Hill on 5 acres) and used for military communication, TV and Medium Wave Radio. Between 2004-9, Bornfree Technologies Network (BTN) Television on UHF Channel 23 and its Nile FM (94.1) hired the satellite antenna at 2 Million UgX per month but it became too expensive. In 2015, they moved to Arua Hill like digital migration. Next to the masts is Kampala City's 91.3 Capital FM satellite dish which broadcasts on 92.7 FM in Arua...
Osu River Valley...
Osu River Building [Under Construction, 10 House-stomaches]
Standing tall in the river valley behind Desert Breeze Hotel is one of the actual Tallest Buildings in Arua City, no projection gimmicks, just Lado State of Mind stuff. West of it is Osu River and the Arua Hospital lagoon plus another tall building...
Smash Roundabout with Airtel Clocktower linking Adumi Road to School Road (right), Onduparaka, Lemerijoa Road (left) and Oli. Arua Hill masts can be seen on the horizon line where the straight Adumi Road ends as Arua Avenue...
Adumi Road Skyscraper [Under Construction, 9 House-stomaches]
Next to Hotel Pacific is the tallest building on Adumi Road housing Noble Unit (U) Ltd at Plot 47; it extends to Gaagaa (Hawker) Market just immediately behind the entire block. Seven floors can be a standard threshold for Arua giants. This is the tallest landmark from General Salim Saleh - M7's half brother in the land of his in-laws (who labelled him Ori'ba [Lugbara Translate: Relative]). Operation Wealth Creation...
Arua Hospital Doctors Quarters [Under Construction, 8 House-stomaches]
Behind Arua Hospital's southgate is another building trying to touch the sky, erected by Wap Engineering Ltd and probably the tallest by elevation above sea level in the locality's skyline when viewed from the Golf Course's Mango Road...
New Lane...
Shopping Centre Block [Under Renovation, 7 House-stomaches]
Between Transport Road and Hospital Road is a gigantic building near Winner Classic and Esomart Hypermarket on New Lane; it seems to have a twin next to it but not exactly identical, maybe fraternal. All it does is win, win, win the classic height race around it, no matter what...
Tower Construction reached halfway by February 2021 but halted for some time before resuming afresh...

Arua City Tower (Monument)
[Under Construction, 7 House-stomaches]
Symbolising unity in diversity since West Nile comprises about eight native tribes plus visitors, the monument will have a high-end restaurant, coffee shop, mini museum, craftshop, LCD advert billboards from China on all four sides, observation tower, landscape-viewing binnacle and a city light at the top like the iconic Eiffel Tower in Paris, France; that sounds quite romantic. A leopard sitting on a hill will symbolise the West Nile people. The 40-meter-high Arua City Tower will be the Tallest Monument in East and Central Africa upon completion at the Arua Hill Roundabout, next to the Development Infrasctructure (DI)'s Arua Hill Stadium and Business Park but 2nd Tallest in Sub-Saharan Africa after the 52 meter high African Renaissance Monument in Dakar, Senegal (West Africa) opened during 2010. Constructing a building inside a roundabout is creativity; accidents can be minimised by reducing speed in all directions. Both the stadium and monument constructions are being done concurrently by Engineering Manager Joel (Jaffer) Aita's teams. According to Sunday Oliseh Etrima (the CEO of DI), the company had stopped work at the roundabout to take Arua Hill Stadium to a certain phase and match both projects. The tower reached six floors by the end of Twenty22 and will be connected to the stadium through an underground subway. By the time a building reaches 7 storeys in Arua, it's already ndriza-ristic; seven floors can be a perfect standard threshold for Arua giants.
Equity Bank...
Aza Plaza [Built, 6 Floors]
Dont call me mad, but I don't believe in equality because it ain't practical unless you put everyone else first and everyone else puts you first; end of struggle! Equity is more feasible. Equilibrium is natural. Koran rates mothers more deserving of honour than fathers though both contribute to create children; the Bible proclaims the husband as the head of the wife and women the weaker sex but it doesn't imply that women are weak; some are actually very strong physically, materially and in reputation. Mariam Nabatanzi in Mukono gave birth to over 44 children yet no male can even produce just one; no contest. Naomi's daughter-in-law Ruth was said by other women to be better than seven sons because of her love. One woman married seven brothers and the Samaritan at the well had over five separate husbands, however, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines. Few women reproduce with multiple men because their capacity is limited by nature; Gideon alone had 70 sons though there might have been daughters too while there are other men with hundreds of children. In Isaiah 4:1, seven women will take hold of one man and tell him to let them be called by his name in order to take away their disgrace; a husband's name is weighty. Women still fight for equality with men even when they have many privileges, favours and blessings. Ain't it funny? We are all equal, but also unequal at the same time. If a man has only daughters and no sons, they become his heiresses (The LORD commanded that in Numbers 27:8-11), not other male relatives first like brothers nor cousins. Job meanwhile granted his three daughters an inheritance along with their seven brothers. Shallum repaired a section of the walls of Jerusalem with the help of his daughters (Nehemiah 3:12). Females also have talents; it's not outright that one gender is superior in everything because levels differ. Imagine a world where every worker including the street sweeper, office cleaner, cafeteria manager, watchman or bodaguy earns the same amount of money as an MP (25 Million UGX per month in May 2021 plus 6M for allowances and a 200 Million car; even previous speakers get a 700M car every five years yet roads are untarmacked)! Public servants on the U8 salary (Ordinary Level) are not paid like those on the U1SE scale who earn 7-digit figures per month. Aren't we all working for UG? Which equality are we yapping about? Wanainchi are also part of the silent or private Government coz they have voting power. Inequality has existed since Adam; childless Hannah was loved twice as much as her co-wife by husband Elkanah; parents have favourite children; GOD blesses select individuals and curses others even if we are all his children; some people are shorter, skinnier, more educated, cleverer while others more beautiful and wealthier. Some humans are royals, others workers and slaves, but still VIPs too; Very Important Peasants. There are eagles, lions, tigers, crocodiles, cows, elephants, sharks as well as weaverbirds and snails; no equality whatsoever, just equity! Through equity, those with more or better work for plus help those with less, not belittle nor compete with them. GOD distributes differently. So, stay in your lane and enjoy your piece (read peace)! This block on Arua Avenue with a happening rooftop (the unruly Fabrica Lounge) houses Equity Bank on the first floor. Assets minus liabilities equals Equity (Capital)...
The Tap of Luxury...
Le Tsuba Grand Hotel [Built, 6 Floors]
With six floors (if you include the rooftop), Anne Hope Anguyo's grey-walled hotel that has skyblue balconies on Circular Road behind the Arua Presidential Lodge is a majestic beauty to behold in the Anyafio hood. The "Tap of Luxury" could have been higher than that if it wasn't for government restrictions based on flight paths for planes using the Arua Airport. Back in the day when I was still exploring Arua anew, I found some students in Ediofe Suburb arguing that there are no elevator lifts in Arua; mbu you can only find them in Kampala: Well, the pristine (extremely fresh and clean) Le Tsuba Grande defies that completely. The hotel hosts live band (or karaoke) performances especially during the weekend creating a celebratory aura in the air with deafening screams and shouts from revellers. Meanwhile, Worship Harvest Church from Naalya (KLA City) serenaded the hood with JESUS vibes broadcast live by a local fellowship held in the hotel on a few Sunday mornings at the turn of Twenty23 before returning to Ewuata: Eish! They also have a Sunday show on Voice Of Life Radio. Sometimes, I wish the most edifying Song of Solomon-style ziki (like Dionne Warwick's 1986 "Whisper In The Dark", etc) or best spirit-renewing worship gospel was played all over Arua even transnight more than certain kinds of devilish prosperity music with dirty vulgarity from Sunday to Sunday; it's not boring coz worship is what happens in Heaven constantly anyway: Hallelujah! Powerful GOD-centred music can spiritually sort out very many problems in our villages, just like Muslim muezzins remind people to pray five times daily, not only Friday, but everyday. Bigups to REDL (Reliable Engineering & Decor Ltd) - Experience quality! What's the inspiration behind giving hotels French names? Are the French the best Michelin-star cooks or is French hospitality supreme? Anyway, DR Congo with potential customers is next door and they use French a lot. Rwanda is not far and neither are francophone West Africans: Oui, bienvenue...
Sinai Plaza [Under Construction, 6 Floors] 
Moses received the 10 Commandments from the top of Mt. Sinai; I guess the Egyptian-born Hebrew would have enjoyed climbing up the steps of this building on Hospital Road...
Muni Building [Under Construction, 6 Floors]
Between Awindiri Rock and Muni University is a block towering upwards steadily... 
ML Building [Built, 5 Floors]
Adumi Road is a very busy street every single day; it is a continuation of Arua (Inzikuru) Avenue Road that welcomes you to the city and connects you northwards to Greenlight Stadium in Onduparaka, about a 15 minute motor-boda ride away; longer when you walk. Nestled beside Adumi Road is a multi-storeyed commercial building opposite Hotel Pacific and hundreds of metres before the Lemerijoa Road Roundabout. For a moment I used to think it was Arua's Tallest, but it is not far from the "Top of Arua"...
Orasea Complex [Built, 5 Floors]
Diagonally opposite Hotel Pacific is another architectural giant of Adumi Road. Famous businesses on this block include Orasea Complex Hotel, MTN, Sanlam, Vino Lounge, etc...
Adumi Road...
KCB Building [Built, 5 Floors]
Plot 24 on Adumi Road is occupied by Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB)'s former cinnamon and deep-blue wonder before they moved to Star Plaza and it's directly opposite the entrance to the massive shopping haven called Hawker Gaagaa Market and not far from Uzuu Plaza. Other structures with 5 floors include the Heritage Park extension; Block on Go Down Road; Awindiri - Onzivu Building not far from De Lavage...
Koboko Building [Built, 5 Floors]
Less than two hours away up north is a gentle giant that has stood tall for over a decade in the heart of Koboko Town, owned by businessman John Boboli...
Nyadri Building [Under Construction, 5 Floors]
Rising up above all other buildings is a new block in the middle of Nyadri City (NYC) on the main French street that connects to the Alikua - Katrini Road in Maracha...
Desert Breeze Hotel...

Desert Breeze Hotel [Built, 4 Floors]
Are you looking for a comfortable place to lounge and free yourself from stress, heat plus heartpain like an oasis or desert island? Desert Breeze Hotel might be the answer: modern, angelic, titillating, sweet, serene and pretty relaxing with a seasonal outdoor swimming pool, therapeutic Health Club, air-conditioned rooms, refreshing restaurant plus free Wi-Fi, a precursor of how wonderful citywide Wi-Fi or TV white spaces can be just like free UHF TV (UBC, WBS, BTN from Anyafio some metres behind Desert Breeze on Awudele Crescent off Oda Road and after moving to Arua Hill, NTV, Urban) used to be before the 2015 digital migration somehow ruined packetless freebies. This place is not a mirage; an A-Level Old Boy of mine from Buganda called it "higher echelon" after spending some nights there. This is the same dude who told me in 2002 that I do not know how to draw; I guess his standards are too high yet younger schoolmates asked me for autographs because of my Art. Hotel stars (or elsewhere diamonds) expire after every two years. In May 2021, Uganda Tourism Board (UTB) created by the Tourism Act 2008 started conducting national grading and classification for all tourism facilities in line with the new East African Community (EAC) standards. I hope DB will always pass Comfort or First Class and Muslim-friendly ratings. Visitors value the stars of the hotel they are booking and look forward to the experience: Destination Arua, at the Heart of West Nile. Opened in 2011 by President M7, Desert Breeze is a 3-star, 40-room hospitality stopover that provides airport pickup, bed and breakfast, laundry/ dry-cleaning, in-suite bathroom, satellite TV, conference facilities, safety deposit boxes, 24 hour security, banqueting, room service plus ample private parking space. Meanwhile, the beautiful gardens can be occupied by 600 persons for functions like wedding receptions or leisure outings. It's found on Plot 20 Odaa Close (before reaching the Oda Road T-Junction off Weatherhead Park Lane, after crossing Osu River) about 500 metres eastwards from the Arua Post Office; I first met Arua's Most Beautiful Woman very near this peaceful close; she was taking her younger sister to Arua Hospital while I headed to the Arua Library. Leave no (wo)man behind, whether Alur or Luo or Itesot! Thirdly, the lane also reminds me of the Lugbara with the Spiciest Swagger in my list - my heart adores her. Desert Breeze even has an annex in Muni within the Public University, how fittingly cool! I don't know about you but I've always felt ever since Y2K that Muni Village (now Suburb) is sort of very special. The Desert Breeze Hotel buildings are masterpieces of Art, according to my taste of aesthetics, with cinnamon and sunrise-yellow Premium Paint. Sometimes, life is breezy; just feel it. By the way, Desert Breeze Hotel has its own construction company that even builds schools...
Arua Hospital...
Arua Regional Referral Hospital [Built, 4 Floors]
This is the main referral hospital in the West Nile Subregion. The free Oxygen up in the top floor of the big block is definitely fresh and therapeutic, exactly what flying birds enjoy as they crisscross gombololas and imaginary international borderlines. Personally, I believe hospital beds should be reserved for motor accident victims, patients with fractures, pregnant women and those in very critical health dilemmas especially old people and special case young-ones. Whenever I get cuts, Flu, Malaria or Typhoid fevers, I always pray that I do not reach hospital admission level, so that other worse-off patients can have the beds and less people complain about lack of beds. There are issues the public does not fancy about medical practitioners, but I will sidestep them because they are also human beings like the rest of us: they dedicated their lives plus valuable time to help sick people and deserve respect. I always try to fast to detox my body, am not worried about skinny-shaming; life is not a size contest. I'm grateful to GOD for my slim frame, we cannot all be fat or big. Compare heights, either you are like short Pygmies or tall Ofwonos, ease up and enjoy peace of mind! GOD's plan! Taking less sugar reduced the constant pain in my head, so I no longer bother doctors about headaches. Back in the day at the turn of the 21st century when I would have eye problems, Arua Hospital Eye Clinic was my Number One solace more than once. I only sought an eye doctor there because of affordability, never got admitted to a sickbed, but still left very satisfied within hours. No bed-patient actually stays there forever, eventually they are discharged. Arua Hospital with a capacity of 272 beds is a place of healing and new life, in the name of JESUS; no stealing from the sick allowed! The 3.2 Billion UgX contract to build the storeyed ARRH medical ward was signed in 2009 with Excel Construction Ltd (Achieving quality and value on time), part of the Madhvani Group. Next (patient)...
Rhema Hospital [Under Construction, 4 Floors] 
Rhema Medical Group together with Agape Sanctuary Ministries (ASM) International will construct a specialised 320-bed hospital with state-of-the-art equipment. The groundbreaking ceremony was held during May 2019 in Awindiri, Arua. Construction was launched by Archbishop Daniel Mwanga, the CEO of ASM Africa and witnessed by Hon. Gabriel Ajedra (Gadison) Aridru, the State Minister of Finance in charge of General Duties and Hon. Bernard Atiku, MP for Ayivu County. As a government rule, Arua City does not have very tall buildings because of low-flying planes since the Airport is very near the Central Business District, but that might change within some zones. In the true sense of the word, this will be one of Awindiri's Most Famous Buildings, insha-ALLAH [if GOD wills]...
UCU Arua Block [Proposed, 4 Floors]
From Mukono in Buganda to Arua in Lugbaraland, the (Anglican Church's) Bishop Tucker Theological College later renamed Uganda Christian University (UCU) in 1997 keeps growing and growing and growing. As the first chartered private university in UG with a northwestern campus in Ringili near Kuluva (Vurra) - a few kilometers south of Arua City, excellence is their lecture. The Bishop Orombi ICT Complex will re-brighten the aura of the campus... 
Tropical Suites Hotel...

Tropical Suites Hotel
[Built, 4 Floors]
Originally called Hillview Hotel, it is found opposite Arua Hill Primary School and the Arua Hill Business Park on Nebbi Highway with a clear tropical view of the iconic Arua Hill from which the entire locality gets its name. There are many other 4-storeyed buildings that are already built or under construction in Arua namely: Crane Resort; Pride Microfinance Block with the Arua Media Centre separated by a road from the former Crane Bank now dfcu Bank; Block with West Nile Supermarket next to Makutano Junction; Springs Primary Day & Boarding School (by Emmyways); Block next to Tronix; NN Tata in Awindiri/ Ewuata; Muslim Construction near Manibe Roundabout welcoming travellers from South Sudan, Koboko and Maracha to Arua City; Block at the northern end of Idi Amin Road; East End of the new Arua City Central Market on Market Lane where the old Main Market used to be; Blocks on Wadriff Road; Greater Arua; unlisted Residentials; Hotel Le Confidentiel in Eruba (Y-Corner things, used to think it was on the other side when the signpost was being crafted in KLA but it's actually East of Nebbi Highway and has a scenic aerial view); etc...
Star Plaza [Built, 4 Floors]
Smack in the middle of A-City at the Arua Avenue Junction where Rhino Camp Road starts and adjacent to the veteran two-storeyed OB Plaza (now Mas Plaza) is another building that brightens up Arua's skyline since Twenty22; it even had a bakery at the back when it first opened. I remember this area for Stephen Drabo's Mambo Bado in the early 2000s when it was still just one floor (I was quite new in Arua then, trying to discover places), Arua Forex Bureau, a general merchandise shop plus an electronics store nearby that reminded me of the world of Kampala Indians who shine like business stars...
Concord Business Centre [Built]
The CBC shopping mall adds a foreign-looking but still precious, creme de la creme, ultra-modern layer to the Arua skyline like business unusual with enterprises such as Salim Sadiq Apangu's Bigtime (formerly also known as Sykat at KKT Plaza) electronics empire, Hi5 Lounge rooftop before it moved, colourful shops, Video Game Parlour stuff and so much more; very fruity I must admit! UG President M7's half brother Caleb Akandwanaho (aka Gen. Salim Saleh) probably has a hand in this exotic stunner. It's found on the busy Rhino Camp Road (also Koboko-Kaya Route) opposite the T-Junction to Idi Amin Road...
Concept Art of Arua Hill Stadium & Business Park...

Arua Hill Stadium and Business Park [Under Construction, 3 Floors]
During my first year on the UCU Mukono Campus (2003-4), I saw a Dreamvision of a "head-turning" stadium protruding northwest of Arua Hill. It needed about "20 years" to come true completely but I told nobody about the timeline. The home of Arua City Council (previously Arua Municipal Council) and Arua Hill Sports Club (that bought Doves All Stars) started coming to life 16-17 years later and the Fear of GOD infiltrated my heart: GOD does not drink maize porridge nor eat yellow-yolked eggs (laid by a neighbour's chicken) for breakfast nor study hard day and night to pass exams nor swallow medicine for strange sickness; HE is the Breath of Life itself. Who in Mukono could have believed me if I said that Arua would have a stadium constructed near Nebbi Highway Roundabout by 2024? Don't dreams lie sometimes or is interpretation and appreciation the problem? Either you go left or go right at the Y-Corner! Either you continue to Kuluva and beyond or cut right to Vurra, make a choice! Doubt or believe it, #GODisgreat; HE's invincible, the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords! Worship GOD! For the Spirit of Prophecy is the Testimony of JESUS (Revelation 19:10). Personally, this stadium is one of the many vivid reasons I believe there is a spiritual realm; Dreams travel faster than light. I'm not the type to say: I told you so. GOD forgive us for being sinners! 'Tis so sweet to trust in JESUS, just to take HIM at HIS Word! Before sleeping, I had prayed to GOD for information about the future and the stadium is one of the intermittent things I saw in the consequent dreamvision: JESUS Christ is Lord...
Ovisoni Building [Built, 3 Floors]
It's been around for decades near the Vurra Highway's T-junction to Giligili (Ediofe and Arua City), at the heart of Vurra, some kilometres (maybe 5) before Customs. From Eruba (Odia Nyadri) on the Nebbi Highway, you turn right through Ayelemgbe, Okufura, Aliomuke and Odumi before spotting it...
Dreamland Hotel Kuluva [Built, 3 Floors]
A dream led me to discover this place located on Plot 317 in Kuluva Trading Center (Vurra Clan's land), about 9.9 kilometers south from West Nile Golf Club along Nebbi Highway. It's described online as a 4.5 star hotel (wonder what the decimal implies but the swimming pool looks quite stunning on a signpost) with 28 guestrooms, Wi-Fi, two restaurants and parking. Guests can indulge in Swedish massages, etc. Their slogan is very catchy and fitting: Live your dreams... 
Hotel Santa Maria [Built, 3 Floors]
To Hotel Santa Maria, your comfort is their priority. Queen Sheebah had a concert here...
Hotel Africana Arua [Proposed, 3 Floors]
BMK would have been proud of this among his many African investments; personally I enjoyed attending functions at and near the main branch in Kampala with a lovely swimming pool view, parking space plus proximity to the Central Business District. Everything around it in KLA just spells fun like Le Beaujoulais, Efendy's Turkish Restaurant, Centenary Park, Airtel, Kingdom Kampala and Garden City Mall. The Arua branch on Nebbi Highway not far from Eruba would be a wonderful addition to West Nile's tourism and hospitality sector...
2017 Springs Kindergarten, sign painting (murals) by Aiko...

3-Storey Buildings
Na ca ra [Three is enough]! There are several buildings in Arua with 3 floors including: KKT Plaza; Orient Bank Building (that later housed the hidden but luxuriously elegant Harriton Hotel); NSSF (West Nile Golf Club) Building (in some sort of Empire State with fenced nine-hole grassland exclusive for playing golf); Former Arua One FM Building; Arua Public Primary School; Hotel Pacific (Oldest Hotel in Arua City); RICE West Nile on Awudele Crescent; Ediofe Building; Rippons Motel Building; Rose Villa Hotel; Golf View Inn; Springs Kindergarten (new building finished in 2017); ASIL Complex on Onduparaka Road; Kamure Park; Muni University; National Water & Sewerage Corporation Arua Branch [Proposed]; Residentials like the one on the Eastern foot of Arua Hill; Irfan Mosque Complex; Koboko buildings; plus many more...
Nile Eco-City [Proposed]
After finding a 9 square kilometre piece of land in Lazebu Village, Logiri Subcounty (Vurra) as the replacement forest, National Forestry Authority (NFA)'s 10 square kilometre Barifa Forest was degazetted to pave way for a new futuristic eco-tourism city in Arua, like echoes of Akon City in Senegal and other parts of Africa or even Hamis Kiggundu's Palm Villas. An eco-city also known as a sustainable ecologically-friendly city is a smart city that collects data through electronic methods plus advanced sensors and uses that info to manage assets, resources, operations and services more efficiently while generating less pollution and waste. They are resilient hubs for advanced technology, education, health, safety plus entertainment. Looking at the artistic impression of the 2012 structural plan made for Arua Municipal Council at Zero Currency instead of an estimated 500 Million UgX by two transformationists: Joel Aita (Joadah Consult) and Dennis Aliga (Chief Executive of DMA Capital Group), you can tell that there will be storeyed buildings. Aliga said that the reserve can yield 2,000 plots and if each is sold at 30 Million UgX, the 60 Billion collected would be sufficient for tarmac roads including double-lane stretches, electricity, piped water, broadband internet, waste treatment plus a zoo run by Uganda Wildlife Authority (in addition to commercial and residential constructions). I just hope some eucalyptus trees will remain as green lungs for the city like a mini Central Park. I will miss the 236 hectare Barifa Forest and its refreshing Oxygen plus very lively green colour during the wet seasons, felt quite therapeutic for me during sunny Sabbath Saturdays. "Forests attract rainfall," Edison Adiribo used to say; so many memories the rain releases, Ace Of Base. The Green Belt has to be included as a nature-preserving memorial for Barifa, however small it is. Maybe the city will also have an electric tram (urban train), cable cars or ziplines plus wind-turbines! An eco-city is simply a well-planned, environmentally-healthy settlement that enhances the well-being of citizens and visitors. Best practices in eco-cities include planting trees along the main streets, constructing solar greenroofs, ensuring decent affordable housing which upholds recycling or zero-waste, supporting local agriculture and encouraging public transportation like Kayoola (Ugandan-made bus) or biking. In future, Velomobiles (human-powered vehicles) plus E-bikes or Pedelecs like Strom might become the norm. One very interesting eco-city is the Abu Dhabi Masdar City project that invites students from across the world. Gazetted in 1948, Barifa is the Biggest Forest Reserve near Arua City. Notorious for hiding criminals, building a satellite city on its 700 acres will hopefully reduce the usual crimes in the forest. Let's take a long walk around the park after dark, ori koko [Translated from Lugbara: without fear]. Other forest reserves within West Nile include Laura in Madi Okollo and Kei in Yumbe...
Say NO to Corruption...
2-Storey Buildings
I won't list every two-storeyed kalina but here are some notable ones: Arua High Court (hidden somewhere opposite Arua Hill Stadium); Khayamandi, formerly Borderlands Co-op (on Oluko Road in Mvara for the Baptist Mission in Uganda); Catholic Centre, Hotel Arua (formerly Hotel California in the 2000s decade) WENRECo Building; Afro Triangle near Onduparaka Road Roundabout; Vurra House; New Taxi Park on Duka Road; Muhibeen Mosque; etc... 
Jo ale 1 (Alu)
Houses with one stomach are the majority and include Arua Public Library, St. Philip's Church, NIRA Arua Office at Dorcus Inzikuru's Building, Christ the King Church, Arua Central Police Station (CPS), residential homes, grassthatched clay huts, etc...
Humans of Arua (Ugatoons by Aiko)...

This is the Pari Alupi ndeni (Nyaku dria) engazu eli 1914 [Translated from Lugbara: Sweetest Place (on Earth) since 1914], Area Code 0476! Arua is sweeter than honey! Did I just say that? Yes, I did, without apologies; I wish I had a device that records tastes as rich as love, peace or joy. I'm no longer even addicted to sugar, only drink it sparingly because it brings me headaches, real talk! Maybe fresh, succulent, ripe mangoes during the month of May (and December) can apply here, because of the concentrated mango juice extracted from them (No sugar added). Life should be sweeter than Vivarium (film). Although not originally built with the smart, imaginative car-less approach of Neom (New Future) City in northwestern Saudi Arabia, Arua City's stressfree walkability fascinates me like Jinja - my birthplace, Stone City, as tasty as tamarind juice and Sukaligulu [Translated from Bantu: High sugar/ molasses], the Adventure Capital of East Africa. Biggest difference is no freshwater body in clear sight like Lake Victoria to drown bad days plus depression (Lake Albert is miles away at Panyimur in Pakwach District; maybe Lake Maracha in Nyoro [Nyadri], Adolomela Crater Lake in Koboko, the canopied Ragem Beach (River Enyau) meanders southwards before Ewuata, Yia Chalu or Abairo Falls in Oluko, Miriadua Falls in Maracha 25 Kilometres north which is over 20 minutes away by car or the magnificent Rhino Camp Albert Nile River eastwards are alternatives), but the Arua cityscape can still make you feel lifted, shifted, gifted and high. Welcome to the City of GOD! For any corrections plus suggestions, you can call, SMS, WhatsApp or Telegram the compiler using +256-781-345712! Like Matt Redman sings in the Worship song entitled "King JESUS", all glory to GOD alone. HE created all the construction materials and gives the talents in Architecture. This #WestNileTourism article is sponsored by Walkswagon™ (Kinetics)...

Engineer JOEL JAFFER AITA Quotes:
No shoddy work... Just like the President (M7) mentioned at Mulago Hospital that (because of) the quality of this work, (he was) very sure there was no nyam nyam (corruption). I shed tears that time because I really felt we were appreciated... 
The Stone Soup Theory to build Arua City: Once upon a time, a wise old man decided to go on a journey. So he packed a small bag, said goodbye to his wife and set off... When it was evening, he came to a small village... The villagers told him, "There's not much to eat in the whole village..." The old man said, "I was thinking of making some stone soup... If you bring me a soup pot and some water, I'll make some for all of us... Stone soup with cabbage - now that's really special... Salted beef... Onions..." And before he knew it, the soup pot was filled to the brim with vegetables of all kinds - carrots and potatoes, mushrooms and onions, turnips and green beans, beets and celery - all brought by the men and women and children of the village. Not only that, the village Baker came out with some fresh bread and butter... There was more than enough for everyone... A city is not built by few rich people. But when everyone comes and contributes the little they have in an organised way, we shall build the city into a huge successful City which everyone will enjoy... With good leadership we put resources in an organised 50 year strategic masterplan, we shall make Arua City the Dubai of Africa... (Posted in West Nile Development Group [WDG] on Facebook)
It's very important to learn first but in working with a company, don't lose your vision... I needed to learn how to make tender documents, to bid, do designs. So I was always working. By 5 (PM), everyone is leaving but am still in office; I'll work up to 10 at night. By the time my boss comes in the morning, the design is already on his table. My boss liked me but he didn't know that I wanted to learn faster: One and a half years from now, I should start my own business...
The Biggest Challenge I found in Uganda is negativity; we have failed before we have tried... Uganda is a huge land of opportunity from end to end...
Unfortunately, most of the opportunities come like problems. Until you have a mindset change to be able to see through the problem, you will not make a lot of money in Uganda...
Promise less, deliver more...
When you do something... what example are you showing to people? It must be a GODly example...
Image is important...
Money should be one of the last things in your plan. First of all: The vision, the idea; put it down in a PowerPoint, put it proper! Then in the last page, put: For me to be able to achieve this, I need 10 Million Ugandan Shillings... Start small even if the design is 5 Million, 1 Million... Our biggest project is Namanve Industrial Park; consultancy fee is about 10 Million US Dollars...
Timing is key... An entrepreneur must be ahead of the curve, should be ahead of time, predicting and spotting opportunities before they arrive...
Most successful business owners did not inherit the business, they started from scratch. So that should tell you that capital is not the Most Important Thing in starting a business. To me, planning, courage, thick skin are the most important. You will need to come up with a Business Plan and Financial Model. Of course you can do this on your own, for free. Have courage to start... Through it all, you will learn a lot...
Whoever invented the word "impossible" clearly wanted an easy life. Impossible cannot be where there is perseverance and faith...
Glory to GOD! We are "kongolo"; our goal is to promote West Nile football...
Once finished, the Masaka Women and Children Hospital building will have more beds than many hospitals...
You want to invest in real estate? Have a very strong eye on Entebbe! The next 2 to 3 years, the real estate dice is rolling in favour of Entebbe and that will move on positively year in and out for another 30 to 40 years...
We shall deploy this (Arua Hill Stadium and Business Park) model in all cities across Uganda. If the money for Namboole renovation was given to us, with our own contribution too, we would ensure the country gets six stadiums across the country in the next 3 years...
Do not confuse poverty as a measure of holiness...
Kongolo Sports City wants to make your life easier. At just 14,000 UgX per day, within 365 days you become a landlord...
Land for only 5 Million... There was a time when West Nilers would stay in Kampala without owning property in West Nile. That time has ended. Don't be left behind. We also invite people across the country to come buy land and invest in West Nile...
We have now got the word Kongolo trademarked...
Business is a numbers game...
When you have a vision, push it one day at a time! Obstacles should not blind you... 
The top of the moutain is the bottom of the next. So keep climbing...
The year was 2008, had just made 1 year into business. It is an interesting journey with a lot of unknowns... In November 2008, I was writing down 10 countries we must do business in by 2025...
Surround yourself with people whose eyes light up when they see you coming...
West Nile Football is going to change. The world will descend on West Nile to scout for talent...
When you are faced with a complex infrastructure project, fear comes in. When you look at the fear in the face, you gain strength, courage and confidence. You must do the thing you and critics think you cannot do...
Ducks quack, eagles soar...
It's hard to beat a person who never gives up...
In our Stone Soup Theory, ordinary people come together to create something huge... Our 2021 to 2031 Stone Soup Project is going to be to create a Central Business District CBD for Arua City...
The future belongs to the young ones...
A dream doesn't become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hardwork...
Joadah Design Institute (www.jdi.ac.ug); Plot 48 Church Road, Entebbe; +256-772-851284... I'm amazed at the ability and determination of our design students... Join for quick 3-6 month courses to enhance your skills...
You are the architect of your destiny...
Practise forgiveness...
People explore your online presence...
Start! Go slow; don't stop; keep moving... Slowly is the fastest way to get to where you want to be...
[His 2021 Book entitled "An Entrepreneur's Mind: Jaffer's Decade" is available online, via WhatsApp on +256-702-877529 and in select bookshops. You can call Aita on +256-772-877529...]

(Iraqi-British Dame) ZAHA HADID (1950-2016) Quotes:
I don't think that architecture is only about shelter... a very simple enclosure. It should be able to excite you, to calm you, to make you think...
There are 360 degrees, so why stick to one?
Architecture is like writing. You have to edit it over and over so it looks effortless...
Architecture is really about wellbeing. I think that people want to feel good in a space... On the one hand it's about shelter but it's also about pleasure...
A brilliant design will always benefit from the input of others...
Women are always told: You're not going to make it, it's too difficult, you can't do that... you'll never win... - they need confidence in themselves and the people around them to help them to get on... The guys used to tap me on the head and say "You're OK for a girl"... It can be done... I see all women as smart, gifted and tough...
I think about architecture all the time...
I like architecture to have some raw, vital earthly quality...
Good education is so important... It's not just about qualifications to get a job. It's about being educated...

SARAH HERBERT: Architecture is one big Problem-solving Journey, pulling knowledge from every discipline imaginable: There is Maths in the logistics of the brief, Science in the environmental workings of the building and Art in the delight of the space...

Born Ugandan, I was raised in Uganda, I've studied in Uganda and I've attained all I have to date from Uganda...
Success and Failure Based on Reason and Reality (Book)...
The biggest problem I've come to realise is that most Ugandans have a very poor mindset; they don't believe in themselves and they don't believe in success. My friends have approached me and said: Ham, at such an early age of 34, how have you managed to accumulate all this income? A question I cannot answer in a few statements or just a simple statement. That is one of the reasons I decided to sit down and write this book...
Start thinking progressively towards success, individual success and development of our country at large... Everyone has got a brain... It's your responsibility to exploit and explore that brain to start thinking progressively towards success, not failure...
Poverty is a temporary state...
You should find your strengths and weaknesses and use that to draw projections...
The essence of an education system is to prepare the student for challenges in the world, but the reality is: GOD created men self-contained. The strongest weapon against any challenge in life is one's reasoning capacity...
Life is a gradual process... Once a child is born, it will crawl... walk and finally run...
A rich person is one with a lot of valuable possessions and assets, just like I do but we equally have a lot of liabilities. A wealthy person has got all that I have but with no liability at all...
Nakivubo and all these assets are the starting point for me. Where am aiming is agro-processing... 85 percent of all Ugandans are in villages... We shall put up silos, factories and industries to process these things... Together with Government, we can look for the international market... and promote import substitution... Maybe we will stabilise our currency... 
Zino sente zenina, si za Gavumenti [Luganda for: This money I have, is not for Government]... (30th June 2018)

HUAXI Village in Jiangyin (of Jiangsu Province) claims to be the "Richest Village in China" with stories of prosperity and luxury. It's a socialist oasis in Central China, a few hours from Shanghai, transformed from a rural backwater into a wealthy collective. Huaxi calls itself a model communist village; residents live in identical red-roofed villas with tree-lined boulevards and receive free healthcare...


For me, it’s not necessarily important that The Kingdom Tower in Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) is the tallest. But for our clients, it’s important…

It is essential to an architect to know how to see: I mean to see in such a way that the vision is not overpowered by rational analysis…

It’s the ultimate for sustainability to use what you have. Make it better and more efficient…

It’s true that many of the buildings are not of the culture, climate or geographical conditions of a place, but they are contextual in the sense that they are establishing a context for the future…

• My 2023 GRASS SOUP Theory (as a Technical Drawing [TD] Class reject): The grass is greener on the other side until rain falls on your side too; let the rain fall down so that you reap what GOD sows!