31 December 2020

Ugatoons Movement

Mona (by Aiko)
#GODisgreat! My Biggest Childhood Dream was not to become a Cartoonist (I wanted to be a Zone 14 Footballer like Romario in 1992 or Medical Doctor like many of my Primary School Friends or Trucker so that I could go wherever and meet whoever, then gave up on my Football Dreams in 1996 because of academic Canes and played for Fun especially in Midfield like Arsenal's Wildman at Highbury Patrick Vieira from 1998), but when you possess Vision and Technique, there is no Reason to bury your GOD-given Art Talents, no matter how hard the Journey: I dribble with Ballpoint Pens such as BiC and Nice instead in a Sport called Penball. I've been drawing since I was 5 years old (in 1989) - my Oldest Art Memory is drawing a Car with an Aerial during Nursery; Mrs. Achere showed us how to draw Stick-humans and Stick-animals in Primary 1 - the Basics needed to draw Stickfigures like Annie Valloton (1960s Illustrator of the Good News Bible) or Toby Bridson; by P3 I was adding Flesh to my Figures as I copied Comics; taught myself Newspaper and Paperback Novel Fonts in 1994 (Spire Road, Jinja) plus Calligraphy in 1997 (Kyebando) after my Mother beat me for "Poor Handwriting" in the early 90s; discovered how Newspapers are made in a Textbook borrowed from Dorothy Amuron (1996); started drawing with tiresome but mental-slavery-emancipation Focus using Ballpoint Pens only (No initial Pencil Sketches) in Y2K at SMACK, chalked UEFA Euro 2000 Match Reports on a Side Blackboard in my Stream and illustrated Highlights using Stickfigures; dropped out of the Fine Art Class in Senior 5 at Macos (2001) because of deteriorating Grades that dropped by exactly 7 percent every Year from an Average of 83 percent in Senior 1 (I must have operated at 90 percent in Primary 7 though Art had last been examined in P6 where the Class-teacher Agnes Kibone thought I wrote "like a Computer") and was blocked from joining the Technical Drawing (TD) Class leaving me teary-eyed: Teacher told me I cannot start climbing a Tree from the Stem. Dejected because I loved Art with all my Heart, I stubbornly started writing the Name "GOD" in All Caps and taught myself how to draw Cartoons by studying Comics privately; renamed my Art Label as "AikoGraphics" in 2003 after Atelier (French for "Studio") in 2001 and Imitari (Italian for "Portrait") in 2002; got some Gigs on Campus from various Scholars, published my first Letters in Sunday Vision Newspaper during 2005 thanks to my debonair Lecturer Stephen Apedel who I told about my Cartooning Plan when hilarious Mass Communication Dean of Faculty Ben Bella Ilakut recommended me for 2nd Year Newswriting Internship to Vision Group (though I was not hired), secretly created a brand new Editorial Cartoon Portfolio instead which I used successfully for a Job Application two Years later like "No Excuses!", painstakingly drew my first Storyboard within two Weeks at St. Michael Royale Hostel in Bugujju for Daniel Kyazze - a commuting Campus Classmate's Film entitled "Corroborate 2"; graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Mass Communication (Specialising in Print Journalism) at Uganda Christian University in 2006; was hired for my first Editorial Cartooning Job at UCU Mukono and Theatrical Backdrop Set Design for KADS at Uganda National Theatre (My first 1 Million UgX Oil Painting courtesy of Jennifer Hengstenberg) plus redesigned the Uganda Clearing Industry & Forwarders Association Logo for my Uncle Jad Johnsons Tabule (UCIFA Secretary General) in 2007; started blogging in 2008 inspired by Sharpe Cole Nimusiima - one of my Favourite Campus Fellows after he invited me to check out his Blog, my improvised handwritten Calligraphy (There's nothing like free lunch!) featured in The Casual (2008 Maisha Filmlab short film) which I also drew a Storyboard for and production managed; applied to draw Cartoons for NTV's Minibuzz Show but failed and instead congratulated the Guy who got the Nod; worked at New Vision for one Month (26th December 2010 - 16th January 2011) a 2005-Wish-come-true, thanks to my 1st Standard Newspaper Supervisor Wanyama Wangah's Recommendation (He used to call me Lapiz [Translated from Spanish: Pencil] like Pablo Picasso and told me to use "less Words" in my Toons); created Illustrations for WWF in Kasese and Bundibugyo plus drew my first Ugandanised multi-page Comic Adaptation for HEPS (Health Promotion and Social Development) Uganda about "Generic Drugs" in 2012; then left KLA City in December 2013 to chase my personal "AruaCartoons" Goals. Through GOD's Providence, I created Book lIlustrations for an old Boss named Monex (2015); painted my Hugest Mural in Arua for Emmyways (by 2017); was called back to draw Editorial Cartoons for UCU after a four Year Hiatus plus drew the superhigh Logo for Lugbara Translate (2019); was surprisingly mentioned on a Facebook List at the Beginning of September 2020 by a very stylish Old Girl from UCU named Rachael Nakanwagi Nsamba in Seeta (Mukono) as one of the Best Cartoonists she knew plus received a special Artmedia Bag from my Big Brother (Victor Draman Afayo who sometimes finds Gigs for me), then got a very unreal Epiphany a few Weeks later to draw Cartoon Portraits using multiple Old School Skills and New School Tools (through a Process I refer to as Tra-digital Inktooning). Despite wanting to give up drawing as a Profession, I was emboldened when the cute and super-calm Emily (Ampaire) told me that there is "no Reason to stop"; Face Art is not easy especially when you lack Inspiration, but skilful Tricks, Superfocus, Practice, Perseverance plus Money, Money, Money give you the Hope, Determination, Morale and Interest (HDMI) to keep on drawing even when mentally burnt out. Caricature or Editorial Cartooning for Newspapers was my Escape Route. Talent, Intelligence, Motivation, Endurance (TIME) is Money; Recognition, Clout or Fame is not the only Target for drawing. This is a Life of Sweat, Ink and Cheers: you turn the Pain of low Sales (no Pay for Months, no NSSF Pension, no paid Sick Leave, no Holiday Package, no Royalties) into improved Pain-tings like the new Sunrise every Morning. Convert the Hurt of slow Progress into more skilful Art and an Inventory, Artwork Archive or Portfolio for getting other rewarding Gigs! When a Ball falls down, either it goes underground like in Golf or up like a Football and Basketball. Motivation is parallel to Fuel for a Stove; you have to work like an Energy Saver that needs little Input, otherwise you run out of Gas, Kerosene or Charcoal. When Charcoal burns to Ash, the only Way to reuse it is turning it into Brickets; which means reusing Motivation from the Past and mashing it up with shredded Papers plus Anthill Soil to give it Longevity. Feeling reborn like Leonardo da Vinci thanks to an Assignment from Mona (aka Maureen Nankya) - Director of Top Television's The Office (TV Series) who I first met at the 4th Maisha Filmmakers Lab, I coined the Portmanteau "Ugatoons" from Ugandan Cartoons meaning Cartoon Art, Logos, Illustrations (Paperprint or Webtoon Advertisements), CGI, Line Pictures, Video Games, Infographics, Pencil Art, Charcoal Sketches, Murals, Graffiti, Acrylic Paintings, Ink Drawings, Graphic Novels, Comics and Animations (both Film and TV Commercials) made in the Pearl of Africa. Japanese Comics are called Manga (My first Campus Roommate - Kenyan Sidney Bwire taught me that), Filipinos call their own Genre Pinoy while Manhua is the Chinese Word for "Cartoon" though Chinese Anime which keeps expanding as an Industry is also referred to as Donghua. But how about my own Country that has over 61 different Tribes? Ugatoons is an Art Movement of Renewal; Maize ripens for People without Teeth too. At the Y-Corner, you either go left or go right...

Joseph (by Aiko)
Decades pass, but Talent remains...
GOD's Destiny is unavoidable...
Never forget the Genesis, because it gets you to the Revelation...
One by one makes a Kyebando...
Onion Skin Mojo...
Epiphany will locate you even if you are 600 Kilometres away...
Reproducing exact Faces is not easy...
Pray to the Face Creator before you copy HIS Art...
From KLA to Arua with Zest...

Lugbara Art has Spice and Swagger, just like the Language...
SWAGA [She Wore A Green Attire]...
Artists treasure Motivation...
Manifest your own Destiny...
Lugbara Translate...
Lindsay (2020 Freehand Ink Portrait that changed my Views about using Layers in Computer Colouring)...
Birds fly, Crickets chirp, Poets rhyme, but Cartoonists draw...
Focus is very very very important...
Pencil first, Ink next and Computer last...
Covid-19 cannot lock-down Art...
To be a Belter, you must be different from the rest...
Follow your Goals...
You are the Chief of your Ship, no Pirates...
Ma onyere [Translated from Lugbara: My sister-in-law] (by Aiko)
Art is about refining old Sketches...
There are two Sides to every Portrait: Lines and Colours...
Jhosa (by Aiko)
Colour Mixing is Fun...
Arua Ink...
From the Philippines to United Arab Emirates and beyond, Art thrills...
Moses (by Aiko)
Work diligently...
Cross the Line of Impossibility...

Lillydove (by Aiko)
Art has no Time Limit...
It's all about Pen and Paper...
Beauty is undeniable...
Who do you tell when you love someone?
Talent on Cloud 10 or 14 or past 20 like 27...
Art is like Love with three Layers of Colours...
Emily (by Aiko)
No Reason to stop...
Art is cute...
You keep the Art you give...
Just draw it...
Draw at Sunrise while feeling refreshed...
Humura (by Aiko)
Old Campus Friends remind you to keep drawing...
Ugandan Actress (by Aiko)
When you draw strikingly beautiful Women, you beautify your Portfolio...
Khloe (by Aiko)
Beauty is Peace...
Secure your Future...
Tumusiime Family - Threshold before flatting (Chris + Tumi, First Daughter Cae & Chara)...
Like Love, Art never ends...
Talent is as infectious as a Virus...
Do what you are passionate about...
Brown and Grey
United Gombololas (UG) is the Funniest Country on Earth...
Humour is the Best Antibiotic...
Laughter heals...
There is Art in every Subcounty, from Tara (and Ajira) to Arua Hill to Kawempe Division...
What's the Behaviour upheld in Jinja? People who wear Glasses must not throw Stones...
Why did the Omusheshe cross the Road? She was going to visit her Double at the Milk Parlour...
Remah Kulabako aka Mama Kinene (by Aiko)
Cartooning is efficient if someone can recognise the Face drawn without you mentioning it first...
Ugandan Actor (by Aiko)
Thin Lines look great...
Freedom to make Art that never expires...
Belgian Professor (by Aiko)
Art is cross-cultural and without Borders...
Democratic Republic of Cartoons...
Prynce (by Aiko)
Black is valuable...
Arua Boys forever...
At the Heart of Africa...
Omusheshe (by Aiko)
Tech is smart...
Like Milk, Art is a very balanced and wholesome Field, the Science of Beauty...
Chris (by Aiko)
Every Art Gig teaches me something I wanted to learn...
From Ukraine to America to West Nile, multiply your Skills and Energy...
I'm in M-Mode...
Namesake aka Jhene (by Aiko, 090121)
Love is the Greatest Thing on Earth...
Visual Art is Music for your Eyes...
Happy-iness over everything...
Art Jam...
Where am from, we live and die for the Art...
Be the Best Version of yourself...
(Freehand) Self Portrait before the Batvirus Pandemic...
You have to believe in GOD, the Alpha and Omega! Either you go left, or go right (at the Y-Corner) like Lionel Messi!
Pencils, Rubbers and Ballpoint Pens...
If you want Cartoon Portraits drawn for yourself or someone else, then just contact Mr. Aiko (Cartoonist)!
Telegram: t.me/aikographics...
100 percent Arsenal...
Welcome to my Ugatoons Box!

Arua Brickets

For clean-tech, environmentally-friendly, smokeless, sootless, non-volatile, heat-retaining, combustion-efficient, cost-effective, charcoal-supplementing, volcanic lava rock-replacing, wastepaper-recycling, anthill-utilising, sparkless, longburning, fan-able, well-compressed, economical, reliable, longlasting, reuseable Fuel, try Papersoil Arua Brickets! To learn how to make them, you can call, SMS or Telegram +256-781-345712 (MTN) or +256-751-650276 (Airtel)! Some can be cylindrical in shape, brown-grey in colour because of  a Paper Pulp + Anthill Soil Mashup plus measure 4 cm in diameter and 6 in length as you choose. ABs are good for cooking, camping, baking and heating Leftovers. Although a Firestarter Fuel is required for Ignition, Arua Brickets remain hot after the firestarting Fuel burns out...

26 December 2020

YESU Magazine

 ERICA (Former Witch):

With PRAYER, you can never go wrong. Because people have not understood that prayer is very important to them, they end up becoming victims of false prophets. They hear that today there is a Man of GOD with anointing oil from Holy Israel, they run. There is a prophetess who is washing people's legs and then they become prosperous, they go to be washed. Someone is selling a holy hanky, they go for it. Another one is selling holy water, they run because they are fidgeting, they do not know how to make it in life...

[CHORUS] Ah ah, YESU yasangude gano amaziga gange, kale! Ah ah, kati omukisa gukulu, gukulukuta-a, ah! Ah ah, YESU yanywegede, omusajja yanywegede, kale. Ah ah, kati amafuta gakulu, gakulukuta. [VERSE ONE] Nga silina YESU, Sitani yanbonya bonya, Sitani yantulugunya, kale. Omusajja YESU, nze yeyansumulula, nakutula ezo enjegere. Ab'oluganda YESU mumuleke abalwanile entalo, agobe ebibalumba byona. Lwakuba YESU, entalo yaziwangula, yaziwangula zona. [HOOK] Ono YESU yansumulula. Ebyalibintawanya YESU nabimegana. Amaziga nagasangula. Silimba, ono YESU yansumulula-ahh. Without this JESUS, I would be dead. Satan and his demons would mess my life. But now am free to sing for Christ, in the name of JESUS, the Victory... (Lyrics from the song "Omukisa" by ERICA ft. EVANS)

The Devil is bad...

The Bible says: We overcame Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony...

We have written books, you need to know what's happening. There's "Erica Part One: Seven Years In Hell". In this book, we talk about people who cause people's souls to fly. We talk about the entertainment industry, how these celebrities are also being used by the Enemy to initiate your children into the Kingdom of Darkness. We expose everything that is in the entertainment industry. 

And then we have "Erica Part Two: Eighteen Years with Lucifer". In this testimony, we talk about the New World Order, we are telling people about what they should expect and how to prepare themselves because when you know the truth, the truth that you know sets you free. And then there is "Witchcraft & Spiritual Warfare", very many people are victims of Witchcraft but they do not know how to get free. That's why people take advantage. People ask people for money to be delivered. You don't need to pay anyone for money. Just get this information for yourself and know how to pray. There is "The Truth About Money". You want to know why some people are so rich and others are very poor, and why money is not taught about in schools. You find an Economics professor borrowing money from his student yet he is teaching on Economics. He is teaching about money yet he himself has not grasped the knowledge on how to make money. You need to be your own boss. You don't have to work for other people... You will begin to see money in a different way. We also talk about people who print the money. Only a handful of people are permitted to print money and the majority of people are supposed to hustle to get money, to get a piece of paper... And then there is "Erica Part Four: Death, Hell & Heaven", I still talk about my experiences, the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of GOD. I'm promising you by the time you are through with this, I talk about angels and the different ministries of these angels. Angels are ministering spirits, so I explain to you with my experiences, GOD enabled me to see certain things. If you really want to know, you can find these books on our website: www.lifeisspiritual.org or you can get these books on Amazon and then in Uganda Bookshop, Enjoy Bookshop and Aristok Bookshop. In Kenya, feel free to contact the numbers below (+254-717-062098 Timsimon Kimani; +254-799-733775 Erica Mukisa) if you want to share your experience... We are not about giving people stories, we want experiences that can help someone out there, that can encourage someone...

Real Spiritual Life Centre in Jinja (Uganda), World Share Foundation: +256-777-580574; +256-756-580574; +256-702-002365...

To support the ministry, you can donate using +256-704-073442...

Go to... www.glorywave.com or you can find me on my Facebook page: Erica Belinda Ministries or my YouTube channel which is Erica Mukisa and my husband also has a YouTube channel where we share testimonies... (You can check out Bamboo Presents Erica Mukisa's Testimony of Witchcraft and Deliverance. It goes from Number 1, 2, 3 and so on and so forth. We just use it as a platform to... minister to people and encourage them... You can also find me on Facebook: Life is spiritual Ministries, online also: lifeisspiritual.org)...

My mother and father did not stop praying. Everytime people spoke, they went to their closet, bedrooms, knelt down and prayed, declared what they wanted to see in my life...

GOD is faithful...

Many Christians are frustrated because they do not know how to pray... Let me ask you a question: The people you ask to pray for you, don't you think they also have needs and problems because they have responsibilities? You are going to go to a pastor who has thousands of followers. You will line up and even pay some money to see the pastor and then you will go and tell him: Pray for me! And he will tell you: I'll pray for you. Then he will say: Next! The truth is: YOU HAVE TO PRAY FOR YOURSELF! You have to be firm, rooted in the Word of GOD because the days we are in are dangerous days. For some time, churches were closed. You mean to say some people's salvation was also closed because they cannot access the Man and Woman of GOD. You mean to say they stopped to be born again. Christians we have to wake up. An example of Pastor Dan, my friend. He was a carpenter before he entered ministry and he had a friend at his place of work; they were all born again. Then there was this sister in church, the sister is a nurse and the pastor's friend was interested in the sister. He wanted to marry that sister but because he is a carpenter and this sister is a nurse, he felt a bit shy to go and talk to her about marriage. So the friend tells pastor: Please go and talk to sister so and so concerning my issue, file my petition! Tell that sister that I want to marry her. And pastor goes faithfully and approaches the sister: My friend wants to marry you. Pastor didn't know that the sister was interested in him. So when pastor went to sister, the sister was like: What about you, aren't you a man? Me am not interested in your friend. Actually I want to get married to you, hahaha! The friend sat, he waited for response, he waited. The next thing he saw: Brother so and so is planning to get married to -, and that is how many Christians' destinies are stolen because they do not know how to pray for themselves. They go to false prophets and then the false prophets steal their destinies...

Spare some time everyday to talk to GOD...

PRAYER is communication to GOD...

After all the pastors here have prayed with you, you also need to go back home and PRAY for yourself...

Certain things are maintained through prayer. You are asking GOD for marriage, you think marriage is the soap that you see on TV, Alejandro and Alejandras?! You think it is a bed of roses, he will bring you sunflowers and chocolates and ice cream? Hehe! You think marriage is listening to music and going to beautiful places? To maintain your marriage, you must be a prayerful person... Things are maintained in prayer, it's not even about the food you cook, it's not even about the makeup. It goes beyond the materialistic things. Life is spiritual...

We would gather every 15th of October, all the powerful witchdoctors all over the world and we would go to Lake Victoria, we had an altar there and then we would begin to perform rituals, deep stuff where we would steal people's stars because a destiny is seen in form of a star. So men who sleep around with women and women who sleep around with men, there are some people who are trained to steal people's stars. And once they sleep with you and you are in sin, they have an open door, they can easily access your life and they take your destiny. There are some women you sleep with and your life begins to go down and down until you become useless. You begin to lose friends, everything... and that's when they go to another person; they are destiny thieves. There are people who fight destiny, they are destiny killers like Joseph's brothers. Remember Joseph dreamt the 11 stars bowing before his star including the sun and the moon and the brothers were able to see that this boy would be great in future. They began to plan on how to kill him so that they could fail his dream from coming to pass. Every family has such kinds of people...

I got saved when I was 18. I was on my way to destruction but by the grace of GOD, GOD had Mercy upon me. I was prayed for, I went through deliverance, I thank GOD for my mother. My mother is so prayerful. Every mother, I want to encourage you to pray for your children despite what they are doing, going through, your prayer really counts. It's by the grace of GOD I had a really prayerful mother who mobilised intercessors and different pastors to pray for me. In that process, GOD delivered me from the powers of Darkness. It was on a Friday night, I was supposed to be ordained. By being ordained to the Kingdom of Satan, I was going to be promoted and I would now be controlling the principalities of Uganda. The leading witchdoctor in Uganda announced that they also had some invited witchdoctors from around the world they were going to meet in a certain hotel; it's in Mukono in Uganda and they were going to witness my ordination meaning I was going to be married to the Devil and Satanic marriage is not the marriage that we know, they just channel someone and turn that person into a portal or an altar that can usher or conjure spirits from the spirit world into this dimension. So I was going to be turned into that, all the sorcerors and witches were now going to be consulting from me... GOD had Mercy upon me. HE knew once I went for that ordination, there would not be any coming back. So HE just sent HIS angels to deliver my soul from that bondage the Enemy had put me in. I did not sell my soul but because I had been covenanted to the Devil, the Devil used a popular secular artiste to trap me and my soul was caged in a glass. So those people who are following celebrities and you think, you know, these celebrities are just shining, there's nothing attached to their power or fame or success; some of these people or most of them have sold their souls to Satan. So when I got delivered, I started now doing ministry. But I wanted to know GOD because I had known about the Kingdom of Darkness. I had been serving the devil but now I had given my life to Christ and I didn't know much about salvation. So I needed this encounter with GOD in order for me to make a final decision to serve GOD. By then, I was double-minded: I was serving God but then I didn't even know why. I was just born again because I wanted security. I was told that if you get out of salvation, Satan would take you back and I didn't want to go back. So I was trying everything to please GOD but I didn't know more about this GOD. So I went and ministered in some place in Mityana (Uganda) and on our way back, I was with different ministers but I was involved in an accident. This accident almost took my life but by the grace of GOD, GOD used that moment to reveal HIMSELF to me. The person I was with on the bike died; he did not make it but I survived. I almost died, almost crossed to the other world but GOD had Mercy upon me because HE needed to reveal HIMSELF to me so that I serve HIM with all my heart. When you are serving GOD, you don't serve for material gain...

#SaturdayConfessions on TV47 (Kenya), Trading With The Devil: I did not plan to become a Devilworshipper... My dad thought his mother was a herbalist. Later after getting initiated, I realised that witchdoctors and sorcerors use herbs; they have a way of mixing roots, stems and leaves and use them against people and that is what they call Witchcraft... I was a fourth generation of sorcerors... After introducing me to our ancestors, (my grandmother) slept on the grave and made me sleep on the grave... So my soul began to leave my body... Your soul is the real you, it is the spiritual body; this is just a housing. Sorcerors have the ability to get out of their body and travel in the spirit world. When they travel there, they are able to get assignments and some of the people who have sold their souls to the Devil travel to the spirit world and then they are able to come up with music, ideas that are extraordinary and then here, we look at them as celebrities, they are popular... These people who can travel into the spirit world are able to see things that will happen in future... When I got out of my body, I visited my dead ancestors. I was meeting my great great grandparents and they were telling me that they were also sorcerors, so I was going to take over their mantle and I met with the Angel of Death who gave me an assignment and my first assignment as a sorceror was to cause accidents and I was also assigned to fight ministries and marriages. They told me that with time I would be able to know their deep secrets... In school, I became rebellious, no teacher could discipline me because if they tried to discipline me in class, I would deal with them in the night while they are sleeping. I would beat them and they would think they are dreaming about me but I would beat them and then when they wake up, their hand is swollen. So they can't explain to the other teachers what happened. They would be asked: How can you dream about your student? Some teachers began to distance themselves from me because of the kind of student I was and my performance began to go down. Then I ended up moving from that school to another school called Victoria Primary School. As I was in Victoria Primary, my aunty who was also a sorceror because my dad comes from a family of sorcerors, took me deeper into Satanism. She now introduced me to that lifestyle of the world. I had grown up in a Christian family where we go to Church every Sunday and there are certain things you cannot do if you are raised by Christian parents. When I went to my aunty's place, life was so different compared to the life at home: She introduced me to secular music, all kinds of movies, the world and alcohol. I thought as a youth... that was the way to live; I didn't know that I was being trapped. When she introduced me to some of the celebrities just like any other person, I thought it was about talent, you know: You just have a voice, you go to the studio, record and then you know, go to TV, take your music; that is what I thought but later when I was introduced to one of the popular celebrities in Uganda, I realised that NO, life is spiritual. These people add spirituality to their music for them to be so popular or so successful in the industry. They either have to be in the Kingdom of GOD or in the Kingdom of Darkness, there's nothing like being inbetween. Those that are trying to make it with their talent are going to be struggling throughout but the people that are deeply involved into Witchcraft and sorcery are those at the top...

[Transcribed from a Video entitled Erica's Testimony about Heaven and Eternal Value:] When you are serving GOD, you don't serve to get the things of this world because the things of this world are vanity! You serve GOD because you love HIM...

The name JESUS has the ability to change someone from filth to beautiful, the soul is more beautiful than the physical body... I was breathing the presence of GOD... Fresh air... More than Oxygen...

The soil was friendly where I was standing... In Heaven, you don't hustle to get gold, gold is just there...

Plants would bow to the KING of Kings... Plantations have ears, they worship their GOD... Fruits that are ready to be eaten without any maggots...

Heaven has more technology than the technology here on Earth...

The world is full of lies (and) hatred, the people you think love you will be the ones toasting to your death...

The angel told me: Everything you have worked for, you have laboured in vain... Because you were not in a relationship with our Master. You were serving GOD for security reasons... How many pastors are serving GOD for money, power, opening up YouTube account channels to be followed...

Silver Cord/ By'olina okumanya ku lujegere oluyunga omwoyo gw'omuntu ku mubiri, lwaki bwe tufa nalwo lubula? [What you need to know about the cord that attaches a person's soul to the body, why when we die it also disappears]: The time someone is announced dead, 40 minutes from that time, the person can come back to their body because the silver cord has not yet been broken and the spirit is not totally out. That means if that person is prayed for, the person can come back in their body if GOD allows it to happen...

It's not because you are a pastor's child that you will go to Heaven, it's because your name is in the Book of Life... I thought when you die, you just go straight to Heaven, my dear, there are protocols to be observed...

I saw a 1st Gate being opened from above me... I saw people who had just made it to Heaven like me. They were sick and probably a pastor went to hospital and now that they had given their lives to Christ, they made it... The angel said they will allow me to see what they wanted me to see... The Survivors, these were people who were rich... They never wanted to know anything about GOD... They were begging GOD to give them a second chance to go back and do what they were supposed to do. They had been there for thousands of years...

From the 1st to the 2nd Heaven, it's like there are ladders and I would see angels guarding the gates, you don't just enter. There are angels there who don't smile, they don't laugh. They see from all angles. In the 2nd Heaven is where I found Christians, they were saved, they go to Church on Sunday, they give offerings and tithe but at their place of work, they are corrupt. When they were going to die is when they repented but on Church they were recognised. They were given the front seats in church, they were always recognised by the man of GOD but behind the scenes, they were not faithful. They were just acting their salvation so when they were about to die is when they repented and put their life straight with GOD. They would have achieved more than what they were working for. The angel told me they got their reward while on Earth, they sat next to the pastor, they were known, praised. Even in Heaven, they will be put where they are comfortable... GOD can consume you if you are not ready for it... When pastor would say: Let us worship GOD!, for them they do not have time to stand and worship. They want the pastors to read the Bible for them. They want the pastors to pray for them, they cannot pray for themselves: Man of GOD, pray for this anointing oil, I'll be putting it in my food... They want someone to intercede on their behalf... They do not want to go to GOD but they want someone to go to GOD for them... Even in the 2nd Heaven, there are many people...

Coming to the 3rd Heaven, my heart began to cry, I felt broken. These were servants of GOD we knew to be generals, GOD's mighty servants. The angel told me: Most of these megachurches, when their pastors die, they come here. Why? It's because they have not served GOD the way they are supposed to serve HIM. They have been looking for money, power, fame. Every pastor that rises up is looking for a radio station and a TV station to draw crowds to himself. They want to be praised, they want to be treated like the Kings. So they have taken the place of GOD. They want to preach from Sunday to Sunday. If they have not preached, there is no sermon. And they preach what people want to hear: material things. Because of that, GOD has allowed them to get their reward while they are still on Earth so that when they come here, they will not have anything to ask for... I saw one, I will not name him because he already got his reward, up to now, they still praise him. He was telling me: Tell my wife, I misled her, tell her to serve GOD faithfully, tell her not to look for material things. How I wish we knew what I know, I would be in the heavenlies. I would be next to the KING of Kings. I got what I wanted but that's not what I needed; I needed to know GOD at a personal level. I needed to be a friend of GOD... We are looking at them on TV putting on expensive suits, driving... Here we are celebrating them internationally, we are sharing them on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, not knowing that GOD has used us to reward them, hahaha... They have mentored people to do so, their sons and daughters are doing what they did because they think that's the right thing... I heard one prominent voice of a pastor in Nigeria because I had been hearing of him as a general, a situation where you find a man of GOD being fanned... at the pulpit, they can't even fan themselves. Where has this come to?

The 4th Gate was opened and from the 4th Gate to the 6th Gate, they are connected. This one can go to the other side but the gates are open, those are the people who were in the presence of GOD, who were friends of GOD. In the 4th Gate, I saw Christians who were devoted. Yes, they didn't pray a lot, they didn't do deliverance - the kind of prayers that pastors do for people, they didn't hold crusades, they didn't hold microphones to praise and worship but when there was need to stand with the ministry, they would sell their pieces of land to support the work of GOD. These are people who gave up everything, they would... sacrifice their children's school fees to make sure the Gospel is preached. These are the people who honoured the servants of GOD, they wouldn't stand to see their pastor dressed in a torn suit... When they were at their places of work, they did not compromise their integrity. They represented the Kingdom of GOD and people admired them, they admired the Christ they had. They had not been into so much intimacy (with GOD but) GOD found them worthy to be in the 4th Heaven... It's beautiful compared to the other Heavens...

Then I looked at the 5th Heaven, wow! There is a lady, she was very old, she's an intercessor. GOD said, the Angel revealed to me that GOD put that lady in that place because she had been serving faithfully and no one even rewarded her, no one ever said thank you. She put it on her heart to pray for every individual in the Church without even telling them that: I prayed for you. You know, nowadays, a pastor prays for you, he goes on internet, goes on YouTube and says: I'm the one who prayed for so and so. But this lady served faithfully, she used to intercede, go to church early to clean the chairs, she was cleaning the bathrooms. Sometimes, she would be cleaning and people spit where she has cleaned and she goes back without complaining and she cleans. That lady was gathering herself treasures in the Kingdom of GOD. The moment she died, she was taken in that place. Everytime GOD is presenting people that were rewarded, HE recognises that woman. HE says: This woman served me faithfully. She was always in the presence of GOD. Whenever there was praise and worship, she was lying down on the floor praising her GOD, she wouldn't mind people who were surrounding her as long as she is with her GOD, everything else doesn't matter. The woman loved GOD, she sacrificed everything to serve GOD including her life. When she died because she had not been working, am not telling you not to go to work, but you can serve GOD wherever you are. When this lady died, she did not make money to treat herself but the moment she crossed from this dimension to where she is, even the people who died and were rich and were generals, they can't be where she is right now and she's going to be there forever and ever and she will be honoured, a star forever and ever. Everyone will be looking at her and admiring her beauty, wow! When we are serving GOD, we are not looking for material gains, let us serve GOD wholeheartedly! Let us love HIM as a friend, a father!

The 6th Heaven is where I saw the people we read about in the Bible: the Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, is where I saw Israel, here in this planet we call him Jacob... is where you find Abraham, people like David, people that have inspired the Church, people that wrote words that come out of the mouth (and) heart of GOD; Saints. From the 6th Heaven to the 7th Heaven is where I saw a Throne that has been exalted above all thrones... KING of Kings... HOLY of Holies, you cannot comprehend HIM, you cannot compare HIM, you cannot limit HIM... HE's everywhere, no wonder David said: The Earth is HIS footstool... There are angels assigned to cover HIM. Even when they have covered where HE is, you can still feel the presence... from the Heavens to this planet. Even the trees were bowing, the birds were worshipping on this planet, I said: Wow, what a GOD! The only thing I was allowed to see was the hair because I needed to see if we are really made in HIS image. GOD has hair but because HE is the Ancient of Days, HIS hair is not this grey that our grandparents have, it is somehow whiter than that grey and it's beauty-iful. HE is older than all your grandparents including Adam. Everyone went down and we began to worship. In that 7th Heaven is where you find the 24 Elders, what are they doing? They are worshipping HIM, fall down to their faces: GOD, YOU're holy; GOD, YOU're beautiful, GOD, YOU're awesome, wonderful, righteous! That is the language GOD understands, not: Holy Fire, burn dem! Haha, not those things... I began to hide my head because HIS presence was too much... HE asked me: You requested to see ME and you requested to stay here (Speaking calmly, HE doesn't shout but HIS voice echoes way to... Hell), which Heaven would you fit in? I said: GOD, I don't know but YOU know everything about me. YOU know where I would fit. HE said: Right now, you cannot stand MY presence yet you're not in any Heaven. Then HE stood up, I was not looking at HIM directly, my head was bowed but because I was in HIS presence, I would feel HIM moving. HE went to the 6th Heaven and now HE was coming to the 5th Heaven and I screamed: My GOD, don't come closer! Why? I was beginning to get consumed by HIS presence... HE said: Now you would be in the 2nd Heaven. If you had tried, you would be in the 3rd...

Headlines from Ono Bwino Newspaper in the Columns entitled "Emboozi Ya Erica/ Amazima/ Agakaawa [Translated from Luganda: Conversation Of Erica/ The Truth/ Bitter Things]" usually on Page 12 onwards every Tuesday, written by Hope B. Nabulime and Gorrette Namuyomba: 

AKATABO KA ERICA PART 3: Laba engeri emizimu gye giwasaamu abantu: Gibalesaawo abaagalwa ne giwamba amaka [ERICA'S BOOK PART 3: See how demons marry people: They make them separate with lovers and conquer homes]

Engeri eddogo erisiranya abafumbo gye baliyisa mu birabo by'okuzaala, embaga n'okwanjula [How Witchcraft that brings curses to married couples is passed through gifts during baby showers, weddings and introductions]

AKATABO KA ERICA PART 4: Sitaani ampa empeta entwala mu nsi y'emizimu, nsisinkana malayika w'okufa [ERICA'S BOOK PART 4: Satan gives me a ring that takes me to the world of demons (ghosts), I meet the Angel of Death]

New World Order: Coronavirus bakakoze kugezesa ensi empya gye baleeta [Coronavirus was made to test the new world they are bringing] (Lwakubiri [Tuesday] 24th March - Mmande [Monday] 30th March 2020)

Ono Bwino Newspaper (in Luganda language)...

Quantum Tattoo: Ennamba 666 ewedde okuwandiisibwa mu nsi yonna laba engeri gye bagenda okugikuba abantu mu kubagema [The Number 666 has already been written in the whole world, see the way they are going to mark it on people through vaccination] (28th April - 4th May 2020) 

ERICA PART 5 - Altars and Covenants (Breaking Generational Curses and Destroying the Power of Witchcraft): Alongside her Kenyan husband Timsimon Kimani aka Bamboo, Erica recalls in 198 pages some of the deepest moments under the bondage of Satan plus testifies against the powerful altars and covenants that affected her life. As an audiobook, you can listen for 5 hours, 44 minutes...


[JESUS saves from the Devil...]

25 January 2020

The AikoGraphics Logo Gallery

GODisgreat, first and foremost! A Picture speaks a Thousand Words, but a Logo summarises the Message to about 100 Words. Personally, I believe there are three basic Types of Logos: Mark, Font and Combination; a Logo System can be derived from these. I fancy descriptive Logos, but non-descriptive ones are also good. Art is amazing because you can create anything you want from Blankness. If you want Blogs, Book Illustrations, Editorial Cartoons, Logos, Lugbara Translations, Portraits, Theatre Backdrops, Transcribing for Films and Mural Paintings from Aiko (Cartoonist), then just call +256-781-345712 (MTN); +256-751-650276 (Airtel); facebook Edward Aikobua (AikoGraphics); Zoom Personal Meeting ID (PMI): 216-521-4436 or email: aikoug@gmail.com (Google Hangouts/ Meet)! Below are some of the Logo Design Gigs I have done. It's my Life, 25 Hours a Day (AM to PM). Welcome to my Logo Gallery (like a Museum Of Lugbara Art [MOLA], Design Asylum, E-Art Station, Bag of Graphics):

55 Foundation [Use your Fingers and Time]
Adam & Eve
AikoGraphics [Custom-tailored Design, Art @ 1st Sight]
Arua Cartoons [Free your Imagination]
Arua Citystate (2016)
Block Owners [Crest in the SMACK League for my Old Yearmates, the Class of 2002]
Busaana Modern Academy
Destiny Funeral Services [GOD rules your Destiny...]
Engato Store [for Edwin Paratra, Call or WhatsApp 0792-532097 and buy affordable Men's Shoes. Online Deals available...]
Federation of Uganda Clearing Agents & Freight Forwarders (FUCAFF) [for Uncle Jad]
Gender Equity [Females and Males have different Needs]
halo, a real Queen of Beauty
Kakaparaka [Maroon and green Cooper Black Font Logo: Maize ripens for people without teeth too...]
Leopard UG [Forgiveness]
Lugbara Translate (Cognitive Radio Tech/ Beats by Aiko)
Maracha View [Rock my World!]
oneway, Ch.39 [If you have a Problem, then just look up to Heaven!]
Paint-mixing Diamond
Pearl of Africa
Procurement ClassRoom [commissioned by Jorge Lynch, the Legal Owner who paid me 100 US Dollars for this logo. Check out his Website at www.procurementclassroom.com]
Procurement Initiatives Asia-Pacific [Copyright of Jorge Lynch, a Panamanian in the Philippines]
Prynce Pictures [for Joel Okuyo Atiku aka Prynce]
Rats Network Investment Group (RNIG) [for Andrew Muhimbise]
Springs [The Flow of Knowledge] for Emmyways
Sprout Investment Club [commissioned by my Big Brother Vyo]
Swaibong Ruga Ruga FC [Crest in the 2019 Mwiri League]
UCU Volleyball Team [for my Art Manager Edmund]
Uganda Clearing Industry and Forwarders Association (UCIFA)
Y-Corner [Either you go left, or go right...]; and so much more...

Wall Of JOKES (Make Viewers giggle!)
The following 40 (out of over 1000) Ugatoons Crackers are selected from "United Gombololas (UG)", my Sit-down Comedy Book and Collection of two-sentence Liners recorded from what I've heard and seen since the 20th Century plus my own Imagination:
1. Can money buy happiness? It depends on how much happiness costs.
2. Where does the wood for making court doors in Uganda come from? Kotido.
3. Which district plays Maurice Kirya music most? Kiryandongo.
4. In which country are citizens advised to stay indoors? Indoor-nesia.
5. Never give up! But all strain and no gain makes Jack a very tired worker.
6. How do Lugbara tribemates greet? By mentioning other tribes and civilisations like the Ngoni (of Southern Africa) as the greeting and UK as the reply.
7. What do you call the wife of your neighbour? Neighbour-in-law.
8. How are Ugandan presidential elections like cycling competitions? The front rider always wears a yellow jersey.
9. Money talks. But silence is golden.
10. If love is blind, then why didn't Batman marry Catwoman? Because he was not blind enough.
11. How much is a free meal? Free Thousand Ugandan Shillings.
12. When a teacher says: Any questions?, what do you do? I just sit there in silence because sometimes you do not even know what you do not know.
13. Waragi kills! Yeah but some people continue drinking it to remain dead.
14. What do you call a false prophet? An impastor.
15. Describe my booty! It's big like a loaf of brown bread!
16. What do you call a village where Ugandans live in another country? Uga-hood.
17. Where do broken hearts go? Mulago Heal [Hill].
18. If tea workers pick tea leaves, then what do teachers pick? Teabags!
19. Will Fresh Kid change his name when he grows older? Yes, he will become Fresh Teen, then Fresh Man.
20. What do you call a good Muganda? A Propaganda.
21. Where do people go to drink tea when they are sorrowful? Soroti.
22. At a Broadcasters Gala around 2003, WBS picked A in a Lots Game while Lighthouse TV selected B, but what did the Host tell Uganda Television? You be C [UBC]!
23. Name a motorcycle that can walk? Shoe-zuki.
24. What do you call a place where tourists watch the park? Pakwach.
25. Which Ugandan president is a public holiday? Idi Amin.
26. What was the Best Thing before sliced bread? Sliced flour.
27. How do France Football Ballon d'Or winners say "Thank you!" in French? Messi [Merci]!
28. Is Kuluva Hospital inside Arua City? No, it's on the outskirts and outshirts.
29. Which district in UG has a soul? Moyo.
30. If Blacks are niggas, then what are Whites? Jiggas.
31. What did the Fresh Dairy logo say to the Nile Special logo? You are not my type!
32. What kind of car dies? A mortal vehicle.
33. What is the opposite of Bullshit? Cowdung!
34. What did JESUS tell Arnold Schwarzenegger? I'll be back!
35. What message will you send your mama on Mother's Day? Thank you for not aborting me!
36. Apart from Hydrogen and Oxygen gas, name any other type of gas? Fabregas.
37. Words do not buy milk. But they do ask for a huge discount.
38. What is sweeter than honey? Sweeter honey.
39. A flight from Arua to Entebbe takes less than 2 hours, but how long does a flight from Entebbe to Arua take? Ask the plane!
40. What does the Bible say about pork? All the demon-possessed pork drowned in water, the rest is okay...

My Arsenal FC (Memories by Aiko)
I've watched English Football in Uganda since the late 1980s.
However, neither Liverpool, Tottenham, Blackburn nor Manchester United,
Could conquer my heart the way Arsenal did during the 1998 FA Cup Final.
I was attracted by the "Retreating Defence" Technique,
Exemplified by Emmanuel Petit and Vieira - the Wildman at Highbury, firstname Patrick.
It reminded me of the steal in basketball learnt from watching Michael Jordan,
My Favourite Sportsperson in the 90s because he always won.
Ian Wright, Captain Fantastic Tony Adams, Marc Overmars plus JVC Electronics also influenced me to become a Gooner.
I remained one through the tears from Leeds, heartbreak from Galatasary and Liverpool,
Because of Thierry Henry, Robert Pires plus every other Gunner.
Ray Parlour scored my Best Arsenal Goal-Of-All-Time against Valencia in 2001;
It was night but I ran out of the house screaming at the top of my voice.
He repeated something similar against Chelsea the following season in the FA Cup Final.
I liked Freddie Ljungberg's red hair and tirelessness,
Plus Dennis Bergkamp's seriousness.
The 2002 Double was a present for staying loyal,
Even though I almost gave up because of the 3-3 home draw with Blackburn;
Dreamcast and SEGA!
After the next two FA Cup wins in 2003 and 2005
Plus the Unbeaten 49 (golden Premiership) run in 2004,
The Gunners did not win a major cup again for nine years.
All through that period, I never walked away nor complained.
My love for Arsenal was so strong that I believed a trophy was just an empty cup.
I enjoyed all the Arsenal plays and goals instead,
From Cesc Fabregas on fire in the last 10 minutes during 2007,
To Eduardo da Silva's finesse before his injury,
Julio Baptista, then Andrei Arshavin netting four each in two separate games at Anfield,
Johan Djourou's focus,
Lord Nicklas Bendtner's Guinness Book of Records Fastest Goal by a Substitute after 1.8 seconds,
Samir Nasri's energy and Bacary Sagna's hair.
On 5th May 2009 when Arsenal lost 1-3 at home to Man Utd,
Which was the 2nd Leg after a 1-0 loss at Old Trafford,
In the UEFA Champions League Semifinals,
I literally felt my heart melt into liquid.
I tried to sleep quickly so that my heart could solidify back,
Proved to me how much I still loved Arsenal,
Despite losing the final in 2006,
Three years behind.
At least they set the UCL record for 9 Consecutive Matches without conceding a goal.
Man Utd already had three UCL trophies,
Why couldn't they just let Arsenal qualify and win its first in a rematch with Barcelona?
This game was the Genesis of why I turned into a huge Lionel Messi fanboy.
In 2010, the Gunners became the Premiership's Comeback Kings,
With a record four Consecutive Wins after conceding first;
That was very sweet!
Robin van Persie then scored 30 EPL goals before leaving in 2012.
Olivier Giroud replaced him from Montpellier,
Whereas Mesut Oezil joined in 2013;
Silverware finally arrived at the Emirates Stadium!
Cazorla was a slick, ambidextrous baller,
Podolski had a powerful left foot,
Fabianski was great in goal and
Aaron Ramsey became Rambo!
Just like Ljungberg before 2002,
I felt Ramsey went somewhere before his superb season began.
Indeed he had vacationed in Kenya, just next door to where I was.
I wish my Old Boy Philip who committed suicide four days before the 2014 FA Cup Final,
Had stayed alive to witness his Best English Club win a trophy again.
After Arsenal went 0-2 down,
I walked outside the house to eat a mango in the dark grass compound while shaking.
Then bathed as a ritual to wash away any curses on me.
By the time I finished, Arsenal had pulled one goal back.
Then Koscielny equalised and the rest you can watch on YouTube.
My celebrations were hushed and mild,
In memory of my dead friend.
However, the 2015 FA Cup triumph was exactly everything I wished for,
From Theo Walcott's opening goal to Arsenal's fourth by supersub Giroud;
Dreams come true!
She wore a yellow ribbon in the merry month of May!
Then Rambo scored the winner again in 2017 (Last Blood);
Meanwhile, Giroud won the FIFA Puskas Award (for his Scorpion Kick Goal).
Visit Rwanda; it's Wakanda to be cinematic!
When Living Legend Arsene Wenger announced his exit in 2018,
After 22 years in charge,
It felt like suicide.
I blame the plastic critics who pressed for his exit,
I do not want to call them fans!
I quit all WhatsApp groups talking negative vibe against the club.
Nevertheless, am still a wellwisher of this great club,
Because it gives me happiness, sometimes double.
From Wenger's Invincibles: Jens Lehmann;
Lauren Etame Meyer, Kolo Toure, Sol Campbell, Ashley Cole;
Freddie Ljungberg, Patrick Vieira, Gilberto Silva, Robert Pires;
Dennis Bergkamp, Thierry Henry, etc;
To the next generation:
Unai Emery then Mikel Arteta;
Alexander Lacazette, Lucas Torreira, Gabriel Martinelli, Edward Nketiah, Martin Odegaard, Leandro Trossard, Declan Rice, Kai Havertz, history continues!
Pierre-Emmerick Aubameyang becomes the Fastest Gunner to score 50 EPL goals.
Fly better,
Till the End of Time,
Victory through harmony;
In GOD we trust!

Bako (Dribble by Aiko)
1984, year that GOD made me in Uganda,
A certain 3rd pick in the NBA Draft starts his career at Chicago Bulls.
Around 1992, my Big Brother tells me to check out a guy called Michael Jordan.
Because of His Airness, I cannot stop following this action.
I love this game!
My dream is to play pro-soccer, but I also play a little basketball for fun.
I quit my soccer dreams in 1996 to avoid getting whipped for academics.
In 1997, I join St. Mary's College Kisubi,
One of the Best 5 High Schools in Africa.
I discover Wilbrod Oketcho;
He is big and scary like Shaq and he slam dunks in our faces.
I quit playing Bako, the school slang for Basketball, because of Wilbrod,
Then meet him again at the Sheraton Hotel Kampala many years later.
Unfortunately, he is gunned down by thugs.
His cousin Flavia Oketcho,
My Favourite Female Basketballer,
Later becomes one of the Greatest Ugandan Basketballers Of All Time;
She is cute too.
If Aliens invade my Space and threaten to freeze it,
Plus challenge me to pick ballers to face them in a Bako Playoff.
I would choose Steve Kerr and Flavia as the Assistant Coaches to Phil Jackson and James Naismith who invents the game in 1891.
My Subs Bench includes:
Kareem Abdul Jabbar (Sky Hook),
Wilt Chamberlain (100 Points in one Game),
Larry Bird (Drama),
Magic Johnson (Showtime),
Scottie Pippen (MJ's Sidekick),
Dennis Rodman (Bad Boy, Worm),
Kobe Bryant (Black Mamba),
LeBron James (King of Cleveland),
Klay Thompson (Splash Brother),
Stephen Omony (Falcons MVP),
Plus Jimmy Enabu (Oilers Captain from UG).
Meanwhile, my Starters are:
Bill Russell, who wins 11 rings (including a 7-peat) in 13 years;
Michael Jordan, who makes sure he does not play Game 7 in the Finals (achieves two 3-peats);
Ray Allen, the 3-point King and Player with the Best Clutch 3-pointer in NBA History - He got game;
Tim Duncan, the 1st Player to win at least one championship in three different decades; and
Stephen Curry, the First Unanimous Regular Season MVP, the other Half of the Splash Brothers, Chef, Pocket full of dimes, Steph-ortless, Best Shooter on Earth...

Red Princess...
Ongo [Lugbara Beats]
Music is food for the soul,
S/he who sings prays twice.
One red heart (or three rows of lines) for the Menu,
One black dot (inside a circle-ring) for the Volume,
One blue triangle pointing right for the Play button! MVP...

The Happiness Of Art (Poem by Aiko)
I think about Art everyday,
How to improve my skills and marketing.
I'm not perfect,
That is why I try to develop my Art daily like Lionel Messi,
The struggle is messy!
My new classmate in Senior 5 called me fake,
But I know GOD made me war.
In fact, my father included it in my first name,
Like Uganda's First President.
Since School Canes ended my Football Dream,
My New Dream is to draw so much more,
Under the penname "Aiko",
Which is taken from the surname my mother gave me.
Ayiko 'bu-a in her Lugbara tongue means:
Happiness is in Heaven!
On Earth, there is sorrow.
I just dropped the Y,
No Crossroads!

The Y-Corner
What is happiness?
Everybody is looking for it.
Is it a mental state?
Is it a moving target?
I believe it is wanting what you get; I call it Double Happy-iness!
By definition, Success is getting what you want,
While Happiness is enjoying Success.
But what if you do not get what you want, what you really really want?
If you want oranges, but life throws lemons at you,
Then you either throw the lemons back at life in anger,
Or cut them to make lemonade and drink;
It's just a bittersweet symphony!
When you are at crossroads,
Either you go left or go right!
When you leave A-City, either you go to South Sudan or go to Maracha-Terego;
Choose one and have no regrets!
Be content with your choice,
Coz when you get what you want,
You start wanting something else!
It's like Happiness is a mirage we pursue.
But Happy-iness is contentment!
There are only two options.
When you depart from Earth,
Either you go to Hell or go to Heaven.
It's either Magma Lake or Lake Shore,
Broad way or thorny path, choose one!
There is no Purgatory, just a hollow vacuum;
Nothing between both sides.
Why do people commit suicide after rejection in relationships or jobs?
It's because they choose Death instead of Life, look right!
You need Shock-absorbers for your heart and soul;
They are positioned in the mind.
When one school does not give you an admission letter, another will welcome you.
If you lack a university degree, then apply what you learn in diplomas or certificates! 
Why kill yourself just because you have been fired from work?
Find another job; there are too many jobs everywhere.
If you cannot get your own car to drive, then use public means!
If GOD does not give you a motorcycle, at least HE gives you strong legs for walking.
When your highway is blocked, find a bypass or panya route!
When you lose an election, there is still another race ahead after some years.
Either you sip vodka or drink porridge!
Waragi kills, so either you drink waragi for status quo or gallop pina colada juice!
If you cannot get milk, then drink water!
If you are removed from a social media platform, then use its competitor!
When grid power is cut off, use alternative electricity!
If one supermarket does not want to sell to you, then find a kiosk!
If you cannot get millions of money, then enjoy the thousands of cash you get!
Money ain't a thing, eat it like rice!
If you do not have much, then enjoy the oxygen you breathe without a price.
Thank GOD am still here trying to be happy,
Stress free!
May HIS Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven!

JESUS (by Aiko)
I've never seen JESUS,
Even if the Bible says He can save us,
But since I've met the Devil,
I believe YESU is the opposite of Evil.
Write our names in the Book of Life, Lord!
Make us Friends of GOD!

Alternative Book Cover
Dreamsurfing is a 2020 Ugandan book written by Edward Aikobua [pennamed Aiko (Cartoonist)] about the prophetic power of Dreams. He has been recording his Dreamvisions since 1999 when his Senior 3 Stream Monitor Isaac Semakadde invited him to be the St. Mary's College Kisubi (SMACK) Timekeeper. HE prayed to GOD to always wake him up so that he can ring the first bell of the day in time and got bombarded with Dreamvisions like never before including one with a soundtrack. The following year, Aikobs gave Semaks (aka Zagallo) a Dream-based Prophecy that came true...